The Mythical Study of Hanoman Si Kethek Putih is assumed to
have character values that can be used as a guide for students behavior. Myth
Hanoman Si Kethek Putih as a source of learning character values is a myth
that was originally fictional in nature, but then merges with real life. Fairy
tales and myths that contain real stories in everyday life then become an
inspiration for someone to take an action.
This study describes how the substance of the character
values contained in the myth of Hanoman Si Kethek Putih, and how to integrate
these character values as a source of character education learning in Social
Studies (IPS) in MTs Negeri 2 Sukoharjo.
This study uses a qualitative research design, aiming to
uncover the character values contained in the local culture of the puppet art
keroncong with the title Hanoman Si Kethek Putih which is studied with the
combined anthropological perspective of Levi-Strauss structuralism and
Hermeneutics. The study of character values is revealed through the
structural perspective of community thinking, especially the ethics of
Indonesian culture. Furthermore, the character values are integrated as a
source of character values in social studies learning using content analysis
The results of the study of
the myth of Hanoman Si Kethek Putih as a source of character education learning
in social studies learning pay attention to the context of character education
that, first, the substance of character values contained in the Hanoman Si
Kethek White myth is found that there is a structure of community thinking in
realizing the character of a good future generation of the nation between
others religious, honest, responsibility, discipline, never give up, and the
spirit of nationalism. Second, integrating the values of the mythical Hanoman
Si Kethek Putih as a source of character education learning in social studies
learning, it is necessary to inculcate characters and morals early on and
facilitate students with character value learning strategies, namely pouring
the value of Hanoman mythical characters into non-text books of social studies
subjects which contains the mythical story of Hanoman Si Kethek Putih in order
to develop good character