Profil Qismu Amn (Bagian Keamanan) Menjadi Mudabbiroh di Pondok Pesantren X
Profile of Qismu Amn (Security Section) Becoming Mudabbiroh at Islamic Boarding School X
Mudabbiroh (pengurus) bagian keamanan merupakan bagian yang mengawasi, mengontrol kegiatan santri putri selama 24 jam di pesantren. Tujuan penelitian untuk mengetahui pengalaman dan tantangan qismu amn (bagian keamanan) menjadi mudabbiroh pesantren. Metode penelitian menggunakan metodologi kualitatif dengan pendekatan studi kasus. Penelitian ini dilakukan di pondok pesantren X. Partisipan penelitian adalah ketua/koordinator bagian keamanan. Teknik pengumpulan data melalui wawancara, observasi, dan pengumpulan dokumen. Teknik analisis data menggunakan analisis tematik. Teknik keabsahan data menggunakan member checking dan wawancara significant other. Hasil penelitian menyatakan partisipan dapat menggambarkan pengalaman masing-masing, serta dapat menghadapi tantangan menjadi mudabbiroh (pengurus) bagian keamanan, meskipun muncul ketidaknyamanan maupun tekanan dalam dirinya. Salah satu pengalamannya menjadi pengurus training. Berkaitan dengan hal tersebut, partisipan telah mampu memenuhi beberapa tugas perkembangan pada masa remajanya.
Mudabbiroh (management) of the security department is the part that supervises and controls the activities of female students 24 hours a day at the Islamic boarding school. The aim of the research is to find out the experiences and challenges of the qismu amn (security department) as an Islamic boarding school mudabbiroh. Mudabbiroh (management) of the security department is the part that supervises and controls the activities of female students 24 hours a day at the Islamic boarding school. The aim of the research is to find out the experiences and challenges of the qismu amn (security section) as an Islamic boarding school mudabbiroh. The research method uses qualitative methodology with a case study approach. This research was conducted at the Islamic boarding school X. The research participant is the head/coordinator of the security department. Data collection techniques through interviews, observation and document collection. The data analysis technique uses thematic analysis. Data validity techniques use member checking and significant other interviews. The results of the research stated that participants were able to describe their individual experiences, and were able to face the challenges of being a mudabbiroh (manager) of the security department, even though discomfort and pressure arose within them. One of his experiences is being a training administrator. In this regard, participants have been able to fulfill several developmental tasks during their teenage years.