Qisom, Shobikhul.2018. Pengembangan Model Training and Coaching untuk Meningkatkan Kinerja Direktur Pendidikan. Disertasi, Program studi Manajemen Pendidikan, Program Pascasarjana Universitas Negeri Surabaya. Pembimbing: (I) Prof. Dr. Muchlas Samani, M.Pd., dan (II) Prof. Dr. Ali Imron, M.Pd.
Kata-kata kunci: training and coaching, kinerja Direktur Pendidikan.
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk: (1) mendiskripsikan dan menganalisis proses pengembangan model training and coaching yang dapat meningkatkan kinerja bagi Direktur pendidikansebuah yayasan, (2) mendiskripsikan dan menganalisis proses pelaksanaan uji coba model training and coaching bagi Direktur pendidikansebuah yayasan untuk meningkatkan kinerja mereka berdasarkan hasil pengamatan observer dan respon, (3) mengetahui efektifitas dan kepraktisan model training and coaching yang diuji cobakan dapat meningkatkan kinerja bagi Direktur pendidikansebuah yayasan, (4) mengetahui hasil (output) model training and coaching yang diujicobakan dapat meningkatkan kinerja bagi Direktur pendidikansebuah yayasan.
Rancangan penelitian menggunakan desain penelitian dan pengembangan (research and development design) yang mengadopsi dan mengadaptasi rancangan Brog dan Gall (2016). Ada 3 (tiga) tahapan yaitu studi pendahuluan, pengembangan produk dan pengujian produk. Studi pendahuluan mengumpulkan informasi termasuk review literatur, observasi ke lapangan terkait permasalahan yang dijumpai dalam peningkatan kinerja yayasan pendidikan, merangkum permasalahan yayasan dan kebutuhan terhadap peningkatan kinerja direktur pendidikan. Pengembangan produk model training and coaching yang disarankan dari tahapan studi pendahuluan. Pengujian produk merupakan kegiatan menguji validitas, efektifitas dan kepraktisan produk model training and coaching. Penelitian dilaksanakan di Yayasan Al Ibrah Gresik. Data dianalisis secara deskriptif dan uji t untuk mengetahui apa produk yang diujikan dapat meningkatkan pemahaman direktur pendidikandan mampu meningkatkan kinerja direktur pendidikan.
Produk yang dikembangkan meliputi model dan perangkat yang terdiri dari buku panduan training and coaching, rencana pelaksanaan kegiatan training, bahan tayang (slide), modul, lembar pretest dan posttest, lembar kerja peserta, lembar kegiatan training, lembar kegiatan coaching, instrument pengukuran kinerja. Berdasarkan validasi ahli produk tersebut memiliki vasliditas dengan kategori sangat baik. Artinya perangkat produk dapat digunakan tanpa revisi. Proses pelaksanaan uji coba model training and coaching terlaksana dengan sangat baik. Hasil analisis statistik uji t terbukti bahwa produk training and coaching tersebut efektif dalam meningkatkan pemahaman direktur pendidikan. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian ini menunjukan bahwa produk training and coaching memiliki validitas, kepraktisan, dan keefektifan yang sangat baik.
Temuan-temuan penting dalam penelitian ini adalah sebagai berikut: (1) posisi direktur pendidikan pada studi pendahuluan ditemukan struktur organisasi di bawah yayasan yang bermacam-macam sesuai kebutuhan organisasi yayasan masing-masing. Tidak semua yayasan mengangkat direktur pendidikan. Dengan mempelajari tanggungjawab, wewenang dan rincian tugasnya ada penamaan yang berbeda tapi hakekatnya sama dengan direktur pendidikan yaitu ketua bidang pendidikan, mudir, manajer operasional, ketua devisi pendidikan. Peneliti kesulitan mendudukan posisi direktur pendidikan bila menggunakan konteks manajemen berbasis sekolah, (2) para pakar manajemen SDM menempatkan coaching sebagai salah satu metode training, bukan metode tersendiri yang terpisah dari metode training. Peneliti mengembangkan model training and coaching menjadi satu kesatuan dan berurutan sebagai cara untuk meningkatkan kinerja direktur pendidikan yang terbukti valid, praktis, dan efektif. Peneliti menemukan dampak yang lebih besar dalam meningkatkan kinerja SDM bila menggunakan training and coaching baik inhouse maupun di lapangan. Kendalanya ada pada penambahan waktu, tenaga dan biaya, (3) metode training and coaching dengan menggunakan strategi active training and coaching merupakan implementasi dari pendekatan pembelajaran andragogy yaitu pembelajaran orang dewasa terbukti efektif dan praktis diterapkan bagi direktur pendidikan karena mereka merasa tidak digurui dan diposisikan sebagai subyek belajar bukan objek belajar. Pola ESFIPAR memiliki dampak yang kuat pada perubahan perilaku karena hubungan yang baik antara coachee dan coach, keyakinan akan nilai-nilai, tujuan yang jelas, gap yang teridentifikasi, pengambilan tanggungjawab dan kesadaran untuk mencapai yang lebih baik, (4) penelitian ini menemukan cara untuk membangun spiritual commitment bagi direktur pendidikan menggunakan nilai-nilai keislaman dan tanggung jawab. Perilaku direktur pendidikan (coachee) berubah dikarenakan sentuhan spiritual pada proses training and coaching merupakan temuan baru dalam pendekatan coaching yang selama ini belum dikembangkan oleh para ahli. Kinerja direktur pendidikan merupakan salah satu cerminan perilaku dalam organisasi. Penelitian ini akan memberikan sumbangan pada pengembangan teori perilaku pemimpin (direktur) pendidikan dalam organisasi pendidikan. Perilaku pemimpin setelah mendapatkan training and coaching yang berubah menjadi pemimpin pembelajar akan mempengaruhi anggota organisasi menjadi manusia pembelajar dan bertanggung jawab atas peningkatan kinerja individu dan organisasi, (5) produk yang dikembangkan oleh peneliti memiliki spesifikasi antara lain: (a) hanya cocok untuk yayasan yang memiliki struktur organisasi yang di dalamnya ada direktur pendidikan atau ketua bidang pendidikan dan person yang menduduki jabatan tersebut belum pernah menempuh kuliah magister manajemen pendidikan dan belum pernah mendapatkan pelatihan tentang manajemen pendidikan selama 300 jam pelatihan, (b) hanya pada konteks lembaga pendidikan swasta di bawah penyelenggaraan yayasan bukan di bawah ormas seperti Nahdlatul Ulama, Muhammadiyah, Al Irsyad dan lainnya.
Qisom, Shobikhul.2018. The Development of a Training and Coaching Model to Improve the Performance of Education Director. Dissertation, Major in Educational Management, Postgraduate Program in Surabaya State University. Advisor: (I) Prof. Dr. Muchlas Samani, M.Pd., and (II) Prof. Dr. Ali Imron, M.Pd.
Key words: training and coaching, performance of Education Director.
The objectives of this dissertation were: (1) to describe and analyze the process of developing a training and coaching model which can improve the performance of education director in a foundation, (2) to describe and analyze the process of the training and coaching trials based on the observer and response observations, (3) to examine the effectiveness and practicality of the piloted training and coaching model, (4) to discover the result (output) of the piloted training and coaching model.
This study used the research and development design (RnD) which is adopted from Brog and Galls (2016). It consists of 3 (three) stages: preliminary study, product development and product testing. The preliminary study is an action of gathering information which includes literature review, field observations to identify problems in improving the performance of education directors, and outlining the problems and demands in terms of the performance improvement. The suggested product development of the training and coaching model was derived from the preliminary study. The product testing is an activity to test the validity, effectiveness and practicality of the product of training and coaching model. The research was conducted at the Al Ibrah Gresik foundation. The data was analyzed descriptively and through the t-test to find out whether the programs can improve their insight and performance as education directors.
The products developed include model and tool kits consisting of training and coaching textbook, training activities plan, visuals, modules, pretest and posttest sheets, participant worksheets, training activities sheets, coaching activities sheets, and the performance measurement instrument. According to validation carried out by experts, the product is considered very good, which means that the products can be utilized without any further revising. The implementation of the piloted training and coaching model was executed very well. The results of the t test statistical analysis showed that the implemented training and coaching were effective in enhancing the insight of education directors. In addition, results of this study indicated that the training and coaching products have high validity, practicality and effectiveness.
The important findings in this study are as follow: (1) the preliminary study found that every foundation has various organizational structures according to the needs of the foundation. Not all foundations appoint education director. By identifying the responsibilities, authority and details of their duties, it is found that there are different titles for education directors but they are basically identical, namely the head of education, mudir, operational manager or head of education division. The researcher find it difficult to place the position of education director in the context of school-based management, (2) experts in human resource management place coaching as one of training methods, not a separate method. The researcher has developed the training and coaching model as a single unit and sequential way to improve the performance of education directors, which is validated, practical, and effective. The researcher found a greater impact in improving human resource performance when implementing the training and coaching model either inhouse or in educational fields. The obstacle lies on the time, energy and costs, (3) the training and coaching method which applies the strategy of active training and coaching adopted from andragogy, a method and practice of teaching adult learners, is proven to be effective and practical for educating the education directors as they feel respected and actively involved in the learning process. The ESFIPAR pattern has a strong impact on behavior change because of the good relationship between the coachee and the coach, believing in values, clear goals, identified gaps, taking responsibility and awareness to achieve better, (4) this study has discovered a way to build the spiritual commitment of education director through Islamic values and a sense of responsibility. There was a change in education directors behavior (coachee) caused by the spiritual touch during the process of the training and coaching. It is something current in coaching approach, which by far hasnt been investigated by the experts. The performance of education director is a reflection of organization behavior. This study will contribute to the development in behavioral theories of leadership (director) in educational organizations. After having trained and coached, the changing in leaders behavior, from passive to life-long learner, will influence other members in the organization to be life-long learners and become responsible for their performance improvement both as individuals and the organization. (5) The product developed by the researcher has some specification as follows: (a) only suit those foundations with education director or head of education in their organization structure, and the person has never pursued a Masters degree in Educational Management nor 300-hour training on educational management, (b) only work in the scope of private education institutions managed by private foundation, not for those ones which are under supervision of public organization such as Nahdlatul Ulama, Muhammadiyah, Al Irsyad and many others.