Perkembangan teknologi di bidang kesehatan salah satunya socket prothesis harus memiliki ketahanan mekanik yang tinggi seperti beban tarik dan beban bending akan mempercepat patahnya komponen ini. Tujuan penelitian ini menggunakan perlakuan lama perendaman terhadap serat rami pada konsentrasi 5% KOH dengan variasi lama perendaman 2, 4, 6 jam pada setiap arah sudut serat (0°/45°/90°), (45°/0°/90°) dan (45°,/90°/0°) terhadap kekuatan tarik dan kekuatan bending komposit rami. Penelitian ini dilakukan pengujian bending dan tarik. Hasil Penelitian ini didapatkan kekuatan Tarik dan bending pada komposit rami epoxy dengan hasil uji tarik kekuatan terendah pada lama perendaman 2 jam dan arah sudut serat (45°/90°/0°) sebesar 11,86MPa kemudian lama perendaman 4 jam dengan arah sudut (45°/0°/90°) sebesar 23,95MPa dan kekuatan tertinggi pada lama perendaman 6 jam (0°/45°/90°) sebesar 50,03MPa. Selanjutnya hasil uji bending terendah pada lama perendaman 2 jam dan arah sudut serat (45°/90°/0°) sebesar 25,92MPa kemudian lama perendaman 4 jam dengan arah sudut (45°/0°/90°) sebesar 54,56MPa dan kekuatan tertinggi pada lama perendaman 6 jam (0°/45°/90°) sebesar 103,2MPa. Pengaruh lama perendaman serat rami menggunakan larutan KOH memberikan perbedaan hasil kekuatan mekanik, hal ini dibuktikan bahwa semakin lama serat direndam maka semakin banyak lapisan lignin direduksi. Dari data di atas penggunaan arah sudut serat (0°/45°/90°), (45°,0°,90°) dan (45°/90°/0°) mempengaruhi hasil kekuatan mekanik, hal ini disebabkan saat arah sudut disusun bersilangan antara sudut 0° dan 90° melekat secara langsung memberikan kekuatan mekanik yang lemah daripada di pisah sudutnya.
Kata Kunci: socket prothesis, kekuatan tarik, kekuatan bending, komposit, serat rami, arah sudut.
Technological developments in the health sector, one of which is the prototype socket must have high mechanical resistance, such as tensile loads and bending loads that will accelerate the breakage of these components. The purpose of this study was to use the immersion duration of hemp fiber at a concentration of 5% KOH with a variation of the length of immersion for 2, 4, 6 hours in each direction of the fiber angle (0°/45°/90°), (45°/0°/90°) and (45°/90°/0°) to the tensile strength and bending strength of the hemp composite. This research was carried out by bending and tensile testing. The results of this study obtained tensile and bending strength in epoxy hemp composites with the lowest tensile strength test results at 2 hours of immersion and the angular direction of the fiber (45°/90°/0°) of 11.86MPa then immersion time 4 hours with the angle direction (45°/0°/90°) amounted to 23.95MPa and the highest strength at 6 hours immersion time (0°/45°/90°) was 50.03MPa. Furthermore, the results of the lowest bending test at 2 hours of immersion time and the direction of the fiber angle (45°/90°/0°) of 25.92MPa then the duration of immersion for 4 hours with an angular direction (45°/0°/90°) of 54.56MPa and the highest strength for 6 hours of immersion (0°/45°/90°) at 103.2MPa. The effect of the duration of immersion of hemp fibers using KOH solution gives a difference in the results of mechanical strength, this is proven that the longer the fiber is soaked, the more lignin layers are reduced. From the data above the use of fiber angular direction (0°/45°/90°), (45°/0°/90°) and (45°/90°/0°) affects the results of mechanical strength, this is due to the Angles arranged crosswise between the 0° and 90° angles are directly attached to provide weaker mechanical strength than those at the angle separation.
Keywords: bending strenght, composite, fiber rami, prothesis, tensile streghth, angular direction