The Role of BUMDesa "Sinar
Baru" in Managing Savings and Loan Services in Increasing Community
Welfare in Bakulan Village, Temayang District, Bojonegoro Regency
Name :
Indra Purnama
Study Program : Bachelor of Accounting
Faculty :
Economics and Business
Name of Institution : Surabaya State University
Supervisor : Bayu Rama Laksono, M.Ak
This study aims to determine the role
of BUMDesa "Sinar Baru" in managing savings and loan services towards
improving community welfare in Bakulan Village, Temayang District, Bojonegoro
Regency. This research is a descriptive study using a qualitative approach,
which aims to uncover facts, circumstances, phenomena and conditions that
occurred during the research, and to describe the profile of Bakulan Village
and the savings and loan groups that have been driven by the BUMDesa. The
research population is village umdes administrators and customers of village
umdes in Bakulan village. The sample of this research is from the total
population, namely 30 people. The data collection technique uses a
questionnaire instrument with a predetermined questionnaire. With Interviews,
Observations and Documentation.
The results of this research show that
organizational strategies, resource support strategies, program strategies can
have an influence on community welfare in the development and management of
savings and loans.
Keywords: BUMDesa, Savings and Loans, Community