study aims to examine the effectiveness of using three models of group
counseling – rational emotive behavioral group counseling, rational emotive
behavioral group counseling combined with Islamic counseling, and conventional
group counseling – to reduce student pornography.
research was carried out through a quantitative approach with a
quasi-experimental design. The quasi-experimental design model used is a
non-equivalent control group design.
research subjects were 22 students of SMA Negeri 1 Sumenep who were selected
using a purposive technique, namely those who had the highest total score in
filling out the pornography scale. The 22 subjects were randomly divided into
three groups and each group was given one counseling treatment model from the
three tested counseling models.
data was collected through a pornographic scale that has been tested and meets
psychometric standards with a Cronbach alpha reliability coefficient of 0.961
from 25 questionnaire items.
analysis was carried out using statistical methods with the one-way anova formula
with parametric assumption testing first. The results of the parametric
assumption test prove that the data groups are normally distributed and have
homogeneous variance.
results of the analysis prove that there is a significant difference in the
reduction of pornography between groups of subjects who were counseled by
rational emotive behavior groups, groups of subjects who were counseled by
rational emotive behavioral groups combined with Islamic counseling, and groups
of subjects who were given conventional counseling. The mean decrease in
pornography in the group of subjects who were given conventional group
counseling was lower than the mean decrease in pornography in the behaviorally
emotive rational subject group and the behaviorally emotive rational subject
group combined with Islamic counseling. Based on the results of the analysis,
it can be concluded that rational emotive behavioral group counseling combined
with Islamic counseling has proven to be more effective than behavioral emotive
rational group counseling to reduce student pornography. Based on these
conclusions, it is recommended that pornographic behavior should be reduced by
using effective counseling methods and techniques to solve student problems.