Konstruksi Fukubun (複文) pada Pertuturan Pemelajar Bahasa Jepang: Kajian Generatif Transformasional
Fukubun (複文) Construction in Japanese Learners' Speech: A Transformational Generatif Study
Mintarsih. 2021. “Konstruksi Fukubun (複文) pada Pertuturan Pemelajar Bahasa Jepang: Kajian Generatif Transformational”. Disertasi, Program Studi Pendidikan Bahasa dan Sastra, Pascasarjana, Universitas Negeri Surabaya. Pembimbing: (I) Prof. Dr. H. Bambang Yulianto, M.Pd., dan (II) Prof. Dr. Subandi, M.A.
Kata-kata Kunci: konstruksi fukubun, fukubun, pertuturan pemelajar bahasa Jepang, bahasa Jepang, tata bahasa generatif transformational.
Perkembangan teknologi informasi dan komunikasi pada era digitalisasi 4.5. menyebabkan tidak ada lagi batas-batas dalam pertukaran informasi. Termasuk semakin mudahnya perjalanan keluar-masuk antar negara. Perkembangan ini perlu didukung kemampuan berkomunikasi dalam bahasa asing. Diperlukan perhatian yang lebih serius dalam pendidikan bahasa Jepang untuk mengembangkan softskill maupun kemampuan berkomunikasi pemelajar. Dengan demikian, pentingnya kompetensi berbicara yang mumpuni pada mahasiswa bahasa Jepang sangat diperlukan. Penguasaan fukubun merupakan salah satu aspek berbahasa yang mendukung kemampuan berbicara ini. Kognisi manusia umumnya melihat sesuatu berdasarkan hubungan sebab-akibat, menuntut penjelasan, mendeskripsikan urutan suatu peristiwa, dan sebagainya. Selain itu, kelogisan dalam berpikir tidak dapat dilepaskan dari pengutaraan sesuatu dengan menggunakan fukubun. Tetapi, disisi lain adanya kesulitan pemelajar bahasa Jepang dalam menguasai struktur fukubun. Oleh karena itu, peneliti memfokuskan penelitian ini pada penggunaan fukubun (kalimat kompleks/kalimat majemuk) sebagai salah satu penciri kemampuan berpikir tingkat tinggi (high order thinking) pada pertuturan secara lisan dari pemelajar bahasa Jepang.
Tujuan penelitian secara umum adalah menganalisis dan mendeskripsikan konstruksi fukubun dalam pertuturan pemelajar bahasa Jepang, secara khusus menganalisis dan mendeskripsikan struktur sintaktis, struktur leksikon, dan struktur semantis fukubun dalam pertuturan pemelajar bahasa Jepang, melalui kajian tata bahasa generatif transformational. Kemanfaatan hasil penelitian ini secara teoritis memperluas penelitian bahasa Jepang melalui kajian tata bahasa generatif transformasional, secara praktis membuktikan pada dasarnya struktur-dasar sintaktis dalam kognisi manusia sederhana, adanya penerapan kaidah leksikon (pemilihan kata) yang menyebabkan pertuturan bergeneratif dan diproduksi secara kreatif. Berlandaskan pemahaman ini, pengajar dapat lebih memahami bagaimana pemelajar mempelajari bahasa Jepang. Bagi pemelajar dapat lebih memahami secara konkrit proses kognitifnya ketika mempelajari bahasa Jepang.
Metode penelitian ini adalah deskriptif kualitatif disertai teknik purposive sampling pada jenis typical sampling untuk pemilihan subjek penelitian dan teknik semi-struktur wawancara dilengkapi instrumen media elisitasi untuk pengumpulan data penelitian. Subjek penelitian adalah 62 pemelajar bahasa Jepang yaitu mahasiswa tingkat tiga di dua perguruan tinggi yang berada di wilayah Surabaya dan Malang. Pemilihan subjek penelitian ditentukan dengan atribut profile-pemelajar yaitu telah menyelesaikan materi pembelajaran bahasa Jepang level dasar dan memiliki keterampilan berbicara dengan kriteria mampu mengembangkan pengetahuan dasar-dasar bahasa Jepang yang dimiliki kedalam stuktur kalimat kompleks atau setara dengan standar kemampuan bahasa Jepang pada subkategori kemampuan berbicara produktif dalam kurikulum yang dikeluarkan Japan Foundation yaitu JF Standar/JF Can-do berada dalam rentang level A2 dan B1.
Objek yang diteliti adalah fukubun yang dihasilkan dalam pertuturan secara lisan dari subjek penelitian dalam lingkup tema pertuturan berbagai topik yang menarik minat pribadi dalam lingkup keseharian baik yang dialami sendiri maupun orang lain, seperti: keinginan, harapan, pekerjaan, rencana, rutinitas keseharian, dan lain-lain. Pengumpulan data dilakukan melalui teknik semi-struktur wawancara dengan bantuan instrumen berupa media elisitasi gambar ilustrasi yang disarikan dari buku pendamping pembelajaran bahasa Jepang Minna no Nihongo jilid I dan II ed.2 (2018). Data penelitian yang dianalisis adalah struktur sintaktis, struktur leksikon, dan struktur semantis dalam fukubun yang dihasilkan subjek penelitian dalam pertuturan. Analisis data menggunakan ancangan dalam tata bahasa generatif transformational, yaitu: analisis kaidah dasar fukubun meliputi kaidah-P (kaidah struktur frase) dan kaidah leksikon, kaidah-T (kaidah transformasi), proses transformasi dari struktur-dalam ke struktur-luar, analisis informasi entri leksikal serta analisis peran semantis verba pada fukubun dalam pertuturan subjek penelitian. Teknik pengujian keabsahan data dilakukan melalui trianggulasi data dengan cara mengumpulkan data yang banyak (kaya) dan detail, jumlah responden yang banyak, dan data cek pada penutur asli. Selain itu dilakukan juga trianggulasi teori, trianggulasi metode, dan trianggulasi sumber yaitu pembimbing penelitian, rekan sesama peneliti, dan kolega sesama pengajar bahasa Jepang.
Hasil penelitian meliputi empat fokus sesuai pertanyaan penelitian. Pertama, berdasarkan analisis struktur sintaktis fukubun pada pertuturan subjek penelitian ditemukan ragam fukubun sebagai berikut: fukubun koordinatif dan subordinatif (ragam renyousetsu); fukubun dengan jenis klausa terkandung berupa klausa relatif (ragam rentaisetsu); fukubun dengan jenis klausa terkandung berupa klausa pelengkap (ragam hosokusetsu); fukubun kompleks (terbentuk dari lebih 2 klausa dan terdiri dari fukubun koordinatif dan subordinatif). Pada penelitian ini analisis difokuskan pada ragam fukubun koordinatif dan subordinatif yang terbentuk dari 2 klausa. Berdasarkan pola dasar kalimat inti dan frasa predikatif serta jumlah minimal penutur pada setiap tipe fukubun ditemukan fukubun dengan struktur sintaktis tipe A dan tipe B menunjukkan frekuensi penggunaan yang relatif kerap dalam pertuturan subjek penelitian. Fukubun tipe A adalah fukubun yang mengandung frasa predikatif verba intransitif pada klausa intinya, sedangkan fukubun tipe B adalah fukubun yang mengandung frasa predikatif verba transitif pada klausa intinya. Selanjutnya fukubun dengan tipe A dan B ini ditetapkan sebagai data penelitian yang dianalisis lebih lanjut. Analisis menunjukkan adanya tujuh perwujudan pencabangan dari fukubun tipe A dan tipe B yaitu tipe BA, AA, BB, BB (1), BB (2), BB (3), dan AB. Tipe-tipe ini mengandung struktur-dalam (deep structure) sebagai berikut. Konstruksi fukubun tipe BA tersusun dari klausa inti ber-frasa predikatif verba intransitif dan klausa subordinasi ber-frasa predikatif verba transitif, seperti berikut ini (X) FN + FPred (FN + FVt) (Y) ; (X) FN + FPred (FVint) (Y); konstruksi fukubun tipe AA tersusun dari klausa inti dan klausa subordinasi ber-frasa predikatif verba intransitif, seperti berikut ini (X) FN + FPred (FVint) (Y) ; (X) FN + FPed (FVint) (Y); konstruksi fukubun tipe BB tersusun dari klausa inti dan klausa subordinasi ber-frasa predikatif verba monotransitif, seperti berikut ini (X) FN + FPred (FN + FVt) (Y) ; (X) FN + FPred (FN + FVt) (Y); konstruksi fukubun tipe BB (1) dengan struktur sintaktis fukubun (X) FN + FPred (FN + FN + FVt) (Y) ; (X) FN + FPred (FN + FVt) (Y), frasa predikatif pada klausa intinya adalah frasa verba monotransitif dan pada klausa subordinasinya adalah frasa verba bitransitif; tipe konstruksi fukubun tipe BB (2) dengan struktur sintaktis fukubun (X) FN + FPred (FN + FVt) (Y) ; (X) FN + Pred (FN + FN + FVt) (Y), frasa predikatif pada klausa intinya adalah frasa verba bitransitif dan pada klausa subordinasinya adalah frasa verba monotransitif; tipe konstruksi fukubun tipe BB (3) dengan struktur sintaktis fukubun (X) FN + FPred (FN + FN + FVt) (Y) ; (X) FN + FPred (FN + FN + FVt) (Y), frasa predikatif pada klausa inti dan klausa subordinasinya adalah frasa verba bitransitif; konstruksi fukubun tipe AB tersusun dari klausa inti ber-frasa predikatif verba transitif dan klausa subordinasi ber-frasa predikatif verba intransitif, seperti berikut ini (X) FN + FPred (FVint) (Y) ; (X) FN + FPred (FN + FVt) (Y).
Kedua, analisis proses transformasi ganda gabung (conjunctive transformation) meliputi tiga langkah, yaitu: analisis Kaidah-T, perubahan struktur pada P-marker dasar, dan operasi atau kombinasi operasi yang menghasilkan perubahan struktur. Berdasarkan analisis ditemukan transformasi ganda gabung penjajaran, transformasi ganda gabung setara konsesif, transformasi ganda gabung setara pemilihan, transformasi ganda gabung kausalitas, transformasi ganda gabung kondisional, dan transformasi ganda gabung temporal/temporal kesewaktuan. Analisis proses transformasi ganda gabung fukubun dilakukan sesuai dengan 7 pengelompokan data pencabangan struktur sintaktis, yaitu: tipe AA, BA, BB, BB (1), BB (2), BB (3), dan AB. Dari analisis ditemukan struktur sintaktis fukubun tipe BA memiliki 6 tipe konstruksi transformasi ganda gabung fukubun; struktur sintaktis fukubun tipe AA memiliki 4 tipe konstruksi transformasi ganda gabung fukubun; struktur sintaktis fukubun tipe BB memiliki 7 tipe konstruksi transformasi ganda gabung fukubun; struktur sintaktis fukubun tipe BB (1) memiliki 1 tipe konstruksi transformasi ganda gabung fukubun; struktur sintaktis fukubun tipe BB (2) memiliki 3 tipe konstruksi transformasi ganda gabung fukubun; struktur sintaktis fukubun tipe BB (3) memiliki 2 tipe konstruksi transformasi ganda gabung fukubun; struktur sintaktis fukubun tipe AB memiliki 5 tipe konstruksi transformasi ganda gabung fukubun.
Ketiga, analisis struktur leksikon fukubun difokuskan pada leksikon verba yang menduduki posisi frasa predikatif. Struktur leksikon dianalisis melalui kaidah dasar (kaidah-P dan kaidah leksikon) dan analisis informasi entri leksikal, meliputi: informasi kategorisasi, informasi subkategorisasi, dan informasi pembatasan pemilihan. Pada penelitian ini informasi entri leksikal tersebut diberi penamaan SILV (Struktur Informasi Leksikon Verba). Berdasarkan analisis tersebut diperoleh Struktur Informasi Leksikon Verba dalam fukubun pada pertuturan pemelajar bahasa Jepang, yaitu: SILV tipe 1 sampai dengan tipe 10.
Keempat, analisis struktur semantis fukubun memadukan hasil analisis struktur leksikon yaitu tipe-tipe SILV dengan analisis peran semantis verba. Dengan demikian ditemukan korelasi gramatikal dengan relasi semantis dalam fukubun. Berdasarkan hasil analisis ditemukan tujuh perwujudan struktur-dalam fukubun pada pertuturan subjek penelitian. Ketujuh perwujudan struktur-dalam fukubun tersebut dikelompokkan kedalam sub-sub kelompok yang dibedakan berdasarkan tipe-tipe SILV dan fitur tematik yang dikandungnya, sebagai berikut: SILV dan informasi semantis verba pada struktur-dalam (deep structure) fukubun tipe BA terdiri dari 5 tipe struktur semantis fukubun; pada fukubun tipe AA terdiri dari 10 tipe struktur semantis fukubun; pada fukubun tipe BB terdiri dari 7 tipe struktur semantis fukubun termasuk 3 tipe struktur semantis dari fukubun tipe BB (1), BB (2), dan BB (3); pada fukubun tipe AB terdiri dari 3 tipe struktur semantis fukubun.
Simpulan penelitian, fukubun koordinatif dan subordinatif; fukubun dengan frasa predikatif verba dengan empat perwujudan pencabangannya; penggunaan verba transitif; konjungtor setara penjajaran -te dan konjungtor kausalitas -kara adalah komponen-komponen dari struktur sintaktis yang frekuensi penggunaannya relatif sering dibanding komponen-komponen sejenisnya; berdasarkan analisis proses transformasi terhadap contoh kasus data penelitian pada 28 tipe fukubun dan penjelasan-penjelasan secara teoritis, dapat dibuat suatu proposisi, bahwa: jika dilakukan analisis struktur-dalam melalui kaidah-T maka akan diketahui derivasi P-marker dari fukubun. Perwujudan derivasi P-marker dan proses transformasi yang terjadi dapat memperlihatkan tahapan pembentukan struktur kalimat dalam kognisi subjek penelitian; berdasarkan analisis struktur leksikon fukubun dapat ditarik simpulan bahwa analisis kaidah dasar dapat membuktikan adanya keberulangan pola kalimat fukubun pada pertuturan subjek penelitian dan perbedaan-perbedaan muncul hanya pada unsur manasukanya. Perbedaan pengertian ini disebabkan adanya penerapan kaidah pemilihan kata-kata yang disebut kaidah leksikon. Kaidah ini menyatakan sifat paradigmatik dalam kalimat-kalimat dan menggambarkan sifat generatif dan kreatifitas tata bahasa; berdasarkan analisis struktur verba dapat disimpulkan jika dilihat dari struktur frasa verba pada pertuturan subjek penelitian, proposisi dalam struktur kalimat bahasa Jepang secara bentuk telah terpenuhi, walaupun hanya bentuk-bentuk tertentu saja dari voice, aspek, modalitas oposisi, dan modalitas interpersonal ini yang kerap digunakan subjek penelitian dalam pertuturannya; berdasarkan analisis tipe-tipe SILV dan analisis peran semantis verba dapat ditarik 4 proposisi hasil penelitian; simpulan terakhir dinyatakan bahwa analisis: struktur sintaktis, kaidah dasar (Kaidah-P dan kaidah leksikon), SILV, struktur frasa predikatif verba, dan struktur semantis verba dapat menggambarkan perwujudan struktur-dalam (deep structure) dari konstruksi fukubun pada pertuturan pemelajar bahasa Jepang, dan analisis proses Kaidah-T dapat menggambarkan perwujudan struktur-permukaan konstruksi fukubun pada pertuturan pemelajar bahasa Jepang.
Ask. 2021. “Fukubun (複文) Construction in Japanese Learners’ Speech: A Transformational Generative Study”. Dissertation, Language and Literature Education Study Program, Postgraduate, State University of Surabaya. Promotor: (I) Prof. Dr. H. Bambang Yulianto, M.Pd., and (II) Prof. Dr. Subandi, M.A.
Keywords: fukubun construction, fukubun, Japanese language learners' speech, Japanese language, transformational generative grammar.
The development of information and communication technology in the era of 4.5. digitalization cause no more boundaries in the exchange of information. It includes easier travel in and out among countries. This kind of development that makes travel and connection adaptable needs the ability to communicate actively in a foreign language, especially in Japanese language. An amount of attention is required in the field of Japanese language education. It is to develop students' soft skills and communication skills. Thus, the importance of good speaking competence among students who are studying Japanese language are importance. Mastery of fukubun is one aspect of language skills that supports speaking ability. Human cognition generally involves things, which based on causal relationships. It also demands explanations, describes the sequence of events, and so on which appears during communication. Logical thinking cannot be separated from expressing something using fukubun. On the other hand, there are difficulties for Japanese language learners in mastering the structure of fukubun. Therefore, the researcher focused this research on the use of fukubun (complex sentences/compound sentences) as one of the characteristics of high order thinking skills in the speech of Japanese language learners.
The objective of this research is to analyze and describe the construction of fukubun in the speech of Japanese learners. It is specifically to analyze and describe the syntactic structure, lexicon structure, and semantic structure of fukubun in the speech of Japanese learners, assisted through the study of transformational generative grammar. The benefits of this research, theoretically, to expand Japanese language research through the transformational generative grammar studies. It is practically to explain the simplicity of deep structure in human cognition, which is the application of lexicon rules (word choice) causes generative speech and its creative production. Based on this understanding, Japanese teachers expected to have better knowledge on how students can learn Japanese language. For students, they can understand clearly the cognitive processes when learning speaking in Japanese language.
Research method is descriptive qualitative with purposive sampling technique in the type of typical sampling to select research subjects and semi-structured interview techniques equipped with elicitation media instruments for research data collection. The research subjects were 62 Japanese language learners, namely third-year students at two universities in Surabaya and Malang. The selection of research subjects determined by the learner-profile attribute which are having completed basic level Japanese learning materials and having speaking skills with the criteria of being able to develop the basic knowledge of the Japanese language possessed into complex sentence structures or equivalent to Japanese language proficiency standards in the subcategory of productive speaking skills. The curriculum used for this research issued by the Japan Foundation, namely JF Standard/JF Can-do. It is in the range of levels A2 and B1.
The object for this research is the fukubun, which produced in speech by research participants. The scope of the theme produced during speech are of various topics. It ranged from personal interest such as daily activities, which both experienced by the learners themselves or others. It included wishes, hopes, work, plans, daily routines, and so on. Data collection conducted through a semi-structured interview technique with the help of instruments in the form of elicitation media illustration images extracted from the Japanese language learning companion book Minna no Nihongo volumes I and II ed.2 (2018). The analyzed data presented in the form of syntactic structure, lexicon structure, and semantic structure in fukubun produced by research subjects during production of speech. Data analysis used transformational generative grammar, namely: analysis of basic rules of fukubun including P-rules (phrase structure rules) and lexicon rules, T-rules (transformation rules), transformation process from deep structure to surface structure, information analysis lexical entry and analysis of the semantic role of verbs in fukubun during speech of research subject. The technique of testing the validity of the data completed through triangulation of data by collecting an amount (rich) and detailed data, a large number of respondents, and checking data on native speakers. In addition to those mentioned: theoretical triangulation, method triangulation, and source triangulation also carried out, namely research supervisors, fellow researchers, and fellow Japanese language teachers.
The results of the study included four focuses according to the research question. First, it was based on the analysis of the syntactic structure of the fukubun in the speech of the research subjects. It was found that several various fukubun produced as follows: coordinating and subordinating fukubun (renyousetsu), fukubun with the type of clause in the form of a relative clause (rentaisetsu), fukubun with the type of clause in the form of a complementary clause (hosokusetsu), complex framework, which consisted of more than two clauses in the form of coordinating and subordinating terms. In this study, the analysis focused on the various coordinating and subordinating frameworks, which were formed from two clauses. Based on the basic pattern of main sentences and predicative phrases as well as the minimum number of speakers in each type of fukubun, it was found that fukubun with a syntactic structure of type A and type B showed a relatively frequent frequency of use in the speech of the research subjects. Type A fukubun were fukubun containing intransitive verb predicative phrases in the main clause. Type B fukubun were fukubun containing transitive verb predicative phrases in the main clause. Furthermore, fukubun types A and B were determined as research data for further analysis. The analysis showed that there were seven branches manifestations of type A and type B fukubun namely type BA, AA, BB, BB (1), BB (2), BB (3), and AB. Those types contain the following deep structure: the construction of fukubun type BA composed of a main clause with an intransitive verb predicative phrase, and a subordinate clause with a monotransitive verb predicative phrase, which was formulated into patterns as follows (X) FN + FPred (FN + FVt) (Y) ; (X) FN + FPred (FVint) (Y). Fukubun construction type AA composed of a main clause with intransitive verb predicative phrases. It also had subordinate clauses with intransitive verb predicative phrases, which was formulated into patterns as follows (X) FN + FPred (FVint) (Y) ; (X) FN + FPred (FVint) (Y). Fukubun construction type BB composed of a main clause with a monotransitive verb predicative phrase. It also had a subordinate clause with a monotransitive verb predicative phrase, which was formulated into patterns as follows (X) FN + FPred (FN + FVt) (Y) ; (X) FN + FPred ( FN + FVt) (Y). Fukubun construction type BB (1) composed of a main clause with a monotransitive verb predicative phrase, and a subordinate clause with bitransitive verb predicative phrase, which was formulated into patterns as follows (X) FN + FPred (FN + FN + FVt) (Y) ; (X) FN + FPred (FN + FVt) (Y). Fukubun construction type BB (2) composed of a main clause with bitransitive verb predicative phrase, and a subordinate clause with a monotransitive verb predicative phrase, which was formulated into patterns as follows (X) FN + FPred (FN + FVt) (Y) ; (X) FN + Pred (FN + FN + FVt) (Y). Fukubun construction type BB (3) composed of a main clause and a subordinate clause with bitransitive verb predicative phrase, which was formulated into patterns as follows (X) FN + FPred (FN + FN + FVt) (Y) ; (X) FN + FPred (FN + FN + FVt) (Y); Fukubun construction type AB composed of a main clause with a monotransitive verb predicative phrases, and a subordinate clauses with intransitive verb predicative phrases, which was formulated into patterns as follows (X) FN + FPred (FVint) (Y) ; (X) FN + FPred (FN + FVt) (Y).
Second, the analysis of conjunctive transformation process includes three steps, namely: T-rule analysis, structural changes to the basic P-marker, and operations or combinations of operations. Those resulted in structural changes. Based on the analysis, it was found that the parallel of conjunctive transformation, the concessional of conjunctive transformation, the selective of conjunctive transformation, the causality of conjunctive transformation, the conditional of conjunctive transformation, and the temporal of conjunctive transformation. The analysis of the fukubun conjunctive transformation process was carried out according to the data grouping of the seven branches of the syntactic structure, such as types AA, BA, BB, BB (1), BB (2), BB (3), and AB. From the analysis, it was found that the syntactic structure of fukubun type BA has 6 types construction of conjunctive transformation; syntactic structure of fukubun type AA has 4 types construction of conjunctive transformation; syntactic structure of fukubun type BB has 7 types construction of conjunctive transformation; syntactic structure of fukubun type BB (1) has 1 type construction of conjunctive transformation; syntactic structure of fukubun type BB (2) has 3 types construction of conjunctive transformation; syntactic structure of fukubun type BB (3) has 2 types construction of conjunctive transformation; syntactic structure of fukubun type AB has 5 types construction of conjunctive transformation.
Third, the analysis of the lexicon structure of the fukubun is focused on the verb lexicon that occupies the position of the predicative phrase. The structure of the lexicon analyzed with basic rules (P-rules and lexical rules) and analysis of lexical entry information, which included categorization information, subcategorization information, and selection restriction information. In this study, the lexical entry information named SILV (Verb Lexicon Information Structure) resulted in SILV type 1 until type 10 in the fukubun produced during speech by Japanese language learners.
Fourth, the analysis of fukubun semantic structure resulted in the form of combination between SILV types with the analysis of semantic role of verbs. Thus, grammatical correlations in semantic relations can be found in fukubun. There were seven embodiments of the deep structure of fukubun during speech observed from research participants. The seven embodiments of the deep structure of the fukubun grouped into sub-groups which distinguished based on the types of SILV and the thematic features they contain. The sub groups were as follows: SILV and verb semantic information on deep structure type BA fukubun consisted of 5 types of fukubun semantics structures, type AA fukubun consisted of 10 types of fukubun semantic structure, type BB fukubun included 3 types of BB (1), BB (2), and BB (3) fukubun consisted of 7 types of fukubun semantic structures, and then type AB fukubun consisted of 3 types of fukubun semantic structures.
In conclusion, fukubun appeared during speech from Japanese language learners such as coordinating and subordinating fukubun; fukubun with a verb predicate phrase with its four branches manifestations; the high frequently use of transitive verbs; the parallel conjunction -te and the causality conjunction –kara, there were components of the syntactic structure whose frequency of use was relatively frequent compared to similar components.
Based on the analysis of the transformation process on case studies of research data on 28 types of fukubun and its theoretical explanations showed a happened proposition if a deep structure analysis carried out using the T-rule, the derivation of the P-marker from the fukubun was known. The embodiment of the P-marker derivation and the transformation process that occurs showed the stages of sentence structure formation in the cognition of the research subject. Based on the analysis of the structure of the fukubun lexicon, it confirmed that the basic rule prove the repetition of the fukubun sentence pattern during speech and the differences appeared only in the optionally elements. This difference in understanding is due to the use of different rules in choosing words called the lexicon rules.
This rule expressed the paradigmatic nature of sentences and described the generative and creative nature of grammar. Based on the analysis of the structure of the verb, when viewed from the structure of the verb phrase during speech, the propositions in Japanese sentence structure have been fulfilled in form, although only certain forms of voice, aspect, oppositional modality (taiji teki modality), and interpersonal modality (taijinteki modality). Based on the analysis of SILV types and the analysis of the semantic role of verbs appeared four propositions. Therefore, the analysis of syntactic structure, basic rules (P-rule and lexicon rules), SILV, verb predicative phrase structure, and verb semantic structure can describe the deep structure embodiment of fukubun construction, beside that the T-rule process analysis can describe the surface-structure manifestation of fukubun construction during speech from Japanese language learners.