The Influence of Welding Current Variation in SMAW on ASTM A36 Steel Weld Joints on Tensile and Bending Strength Using Experimental Methods
Pengerjaan pembuatan daun pintu air permasalahan yang dihadapi terutama pada sambungan pengelasan daun pintu air tidak tepat pada rangka pintu atau sambungan antara plat, hal ini dapat mengakibatkan kebocoran, sehingga berpotensi menyebabkan kerusakan akibat gaya tarik grafitasi air saat membuka dan menuntup daun pintu air.
Pengelasan pada baja ASTM A36 ketebalan 6mm, variasi arus 110 A, 120 A dan 130 A polaritas DCEP dilakukan pembentukan spesimen menggunakan standar ASTM E8 uji tarik dan bending menggunakan standar ASTM E290. Data hasil eksperimen dianalisis dengan metode one way anova dan uji-t.
Hasil dari penelitian ini ialah terdapat pengaruh signifikan hasil variasi arus pada pengelasan material baja ASTM A36. Pada pengujian tarik menunjukkan pada arus 110 A memiliki nilai rata-rata uji tarik 371,32 N/mm2, arus 120 A memiliki nilai rata-rata uji tarik 377,63 N/mm2 dan arus 130 A memiliki nilai rata-rata uji tarik tertinggi 389,02 N/mm2, Pada pengujian bending menunjukkan pada arus 110 A memiliki nilai rata-rata uji bending 1229,52 N/mm2, arus 120 A memiliki nilai rata-rata uji bending 1312,58 N/mm2 dan arus 130 A memiliki nilai rata-rata uji bending 1433,98 N/mm2.
The process of making water gate leaves faces problems, especially with the welding joints of the water gate leaves not properly aligned with the gate frame or the joint between the plates, which can cause leakage. This may potentially lead to damage due to the gravitational force of water when opening and closing the water gate leaves. Welding on ASTM A36 steel with a thickness of 6mm, varying currents of 110 A, 120 A, and 130 A, using DCEP polarity was carried out to form specimens using ASTM E8 standards for tensile testing and ASTM E290 standards for bending testing. The experimental data were analyzed using one-way ANOVA and t-test methods.
The results of this study show that there is a significant effect of current variation on the welding of ASTM A36 steel material. In tensile testing, the 110 A current had an average tensile test value of 371.32 N/mm², the 120 A current had an average tensile test value of 377.63 N/mm², and the 130 A current had the highest average tensile test value of 389.02 N/mm². In bending testing, the 110 A current had an average bending test value of 1229.52 N/mm², the 120 A current had an average bending test value of 1312.58 N/mm², and the 130 A current had an average bending test value of 1433.98 N/mm².