Faktor-faktor yang memengaruhi aktivitas jasmani siswa di masa pandemi: cross-sectional study
Factors that affect students physical activity during a pandemic: cross-sectional study
Crossectional study ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui tingkat aktivitas jasmani siswa dan faktor-faktor yang memengaruhinya selama masa pandemi Covid-19. Seluruh siswa SMP Negeri 2 Taman menjadi populasi (1.188 siswa) penelitian dan diambil sampel sebanyak 347 siswa menggunakan teknik quota cluster random sampling. Pengumpulan data menggunakan angket tingkat aktivitas jasmani harian siswa yang dilengkapi dengan pertanyaan seputar sosiodemografi orang tua dan fasilitas olahraga yang ada di lingkungan siswa. Analisis data menggunakan deskriptif statistik, t-test, dan anova dengan aplikasi SPSS 23. Hasil menunjukkan bahwa nilai rata-rata aktivitas jasmani siswa sebesar 21,0, siswa yang memiliki tingkat aktivitas jasmani dengan kategori kurang sekali sebanyak 14,1%, kurang 59,1%, cukup 22,8%, tinggi 13%, dan sangat tinggi 0,28%. Faktor-faktor yang memengaruhi tingkat aktivitas jasmani siswa adalah gender (t=3,546, p= 0,000<0,05), kebiasaan orang tua beraktivitas fisik (F=4,575, p=0,011<0,05), frekuensi aktivitas fisik orang tua perminggu (F=6,768, p=0,000<0,05), terlibat dalam cabang olahraga (t=-6,057, p=0,000<0,05), aktivitas fisik siswa saat pandemi (t= -0,690, p=0,000<0,05), frekuensi aktivitas fisik siswa perminggu (F=25,406, p=0,000<0,05), durasi aktivitas fisik siswa perminggu (F=15,415, p=0,000<0,05), fasilitas olahraga (t=-2,568, p=0,011<0,05), standar fasilitas olahraga (t=-2.505, p=0.013). Maka dapat di simpulkan faktor-faktor yang terbukti berpengaruh terhadap tingkat aktivitas jasmani perlu menjadi perhatian dalam upaya meningkatkan keaktifan siswa.
This cross-sectional study aims to determine the level of physical activity of students and the factors that influence it during the Covid-19 pandemic. All students of SMP Negeri 2 Taman became the population (1,188 students) of the study and a sample of 347 students was taken using the quota cluster random sampling technique. Collecting data using a questionnaire on the level of daily physical activity of students which is equipped with questions about the sociodemography of parents and sports facilities in the student's environment. Data analysis used descriptive statistics, t-test, and ANOVA with SPSS 23 application. The results showed that the average value of students' physical activity was 21.0, students who had a physical activity level in the category of less than once were 14.1%, less 59.1%, enough 22.8 %, high 13%, and very high 0.28%. The factors that affect the level of physical activity of students are gender (t=3.546, p= 0.000<0.05), parents' habits of physical activity (F=4.575, p=0.011<0.05), the frequency of parental physical activity per week (F=6.768 , p=0.0000<0.05), involved in sports (t=-6.057, p=0.000<0.05), students' physical activity during the pandemic (t=-0.690, p=0.0000<0.05), the frequency of students' physical activity per week (F = 25,406, p= 0.000<0.05), duration of physical activity of students per week (F=15,415, p=0.0000<0.05), sports facilities (t=-2.568, p=0.011<0.05), standard of sports facilities (t=-2.505 , p=0.013). So that the factors that are proven to affect the level of physical activity need to be a concern in an effort to increase student activity.