The novel LafazCinta by SintaYudisia tells about the love life that there are some inner conflicts experienced by Seyla as the main of character on various problems with other characters.Lafaz Cinta novel by Sinta Yudisia interesting researched because of the consideration that this novel is the latest novel from SintaYudisia and the one of the novelof SintaYudisia (Rinai, Mawar, A Promise) which is related to topics sought by characters in the novel. highlighted in this novel.
The purpose of this study is to describe the inner conflict caused by the conflict experienced by the main character Seyla in the novel LafazCinta by SintaYudisia based on Sigmund Freud's theory.This research used a literary psychology approach by Sigmund Freud's psychoanalytic theory, which is based on the personality structure of the id, ego and superego. It was a research technology with data collection and data analyzer. The findings focused on the female lead's mental clash. The main character of the woman under discussion is a figure in Seyla. Married to her lover, the emotional conflict they went through became melancholy with grief and sympathy.
The results of the study showed, as follow; (1) the anxiety and confusion about the problem in the design of the mental clash experienced by wire characters.(2) Several factors which underlying of the inner conflict on main character in the novel, there are internal factors and external factors. (3) Forms of resolving inner conflicts on the main characters in the novel, that is rationalization and projection.
Keywords: Inner Conflict, Lafaz Cinta, Seyla