M. Asri Ashari. 2018. Comparison
the effect of traditicional hadang sports games, terompah panjang, engrang on
increased endurance, speed, and balance on students extracurricular of Primary School Tenga,
Bima District, NTB . Thesis. Sport Education Program, Magister Program in State
University of Surabaya. Advisors: (I) Dr. Andun Sudijandoko, M. Kes., dan ( II)
Dr. Amrozi Khamidi, M.Pd.
the observations that have been done at the start of the study the authors
found some circumstantial on activities extrakurikuler mainly on the process of
the treatment of students in perihan existing problems at school in particular
extracurricular activities. the student's physical conditions not optimal as
the ability of endurance, speed and balance, the condition of demikianlan such
as endurance, speed and balance. Then based on these factors the researchers
applied the practice of traditional sports hadang, terompah and egrang . The purpose of this research is to
observe about: (1) the influence of traditional hadang game on endurance, speed
and balance, (2) the influence of terompah panjang traditicional games on endurance, speed, and
balance. (3) the effect of traditional engrang game on endurance, speed, and
balance, (4) the difference in influence between of tradisional hadang games,
terompah panjang, engrang on the increase in physical conditions endurance,
speed, and body balance. In this research the target of students is Primary
School Tenga, Bima District with a sample of 28 students. The type of research used in this study
is quantitative with quasi-experimental methods. The design of this study uses none
equivalent ( pretest and post-tes) control group design, and data analysis using Anova . In the data collection process, the
initial and final tests are carried out with a test of endurance, speed and
balance. Furthermore, data from the test results were analyzed using SPSS
series 22.0.
results of the research are as follows: (1) tradisional hadang games have a
significant effect on increasing endurance, speed and and body balance. (2)
terompah panjang traditicional
games has a significant effect on endurance (3) traditional engrang game have
significant influence on the increase in endurance, speed, and body balance,
(4) there are differences in the influence between of tradisional hadang games,
terompah panjang, engrang on endurance, speed, and body balance. Based on post hoc calculations stated
that traditional game hadang give better results compared to terompah panjang
traditicional games and traditional engrang game on the three variables
endurance, speed, and body balance.
on the results of data analysis, conclusions were drawn that of traditional
hadang game, terompah panjang traditicional games, and traditional engrang game
had a significant influence on increasing the body's endurance, speed, and
: tradition al sport hadang, traditional sport terompah, traditional
sport egrang,
endurance, speed, balance.