Pelaksanaan PJJ di Era Pandemi Covid-19 pada Mata Kuliah Pengolahan Makanan Asia dan Evaluasi Belajar Pembelajaran Mahasiswa Pendidikan Tata Boga (Studi Kasus ditinjau dari Jejak Pendapat Mahasiswa)
The Implementation of Distance learning in the Era of Pandemic Covid-19 in the course of Asian Food Management and Learning Evaluation in Culinary Science Education for Students ( Case Study based on the track record of the opinion of students)
Penelitian ini merupakan studi kasus berdasarkan rekam jejak pendapat mahasiswa, dimana tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah mendeskripsikan Pelaksanaan Pembelajaran Jarak Jauh (PJJ) di era pandemi Covid-19 pada Mahasiswa Pendidikan Tata Boga. Jenis penelitian ini merupakan penelitian deskiptif kuantitatif, dimana data penelitian berupa persentase hasil jejak pendapat mahasiswa dengan menggunakan kuesioner tertutup serta berupa jejak pendapat yang bersifat subjektif yang di dapat dari responden yang diwadahi dalam kuesioner terbuka yang terkait dengan Pelaksanaan Pembelajaran Jarak Jauh, Proses Komunikatif, Respon Peserta Didik dan Aktivitas belajar. Metode pengumpulan data menggunakan kuesioner tertutup dengan skala likert dan kuesioner terbuka untuk menggali pendapat responden secara subyektif. Selain itu peneliti juga menggunakan dokumen untuk melihat hasil pembelajaran PJJ. Hasil penelitian kuantitatif meliputi; 1) Indikator Pelaksanaan Pembelajaran memiliki rata-rata capaian 78.1% dengan kriteria sangat setuju; 2) indikator proses komunikatif dengan rata-rata capaian 71.4% berada pada kriteria setuju; 3) Indikator Respon Peserta Didik dan Aktivitas Belajar menghasilkan presentase rata-rata sebesar 75.1% berada pada kriteria setuju; dan 4) Hasil Belajar dengan PJJ tidak menunjukkan perbedaan yang berarti dimana hamper semua mahasiswa, mendapat nilai UTS berada diatas 55 (C s/d A). Hasil Penelitian diluar indikator diatas diperoleh dalam empat pernyataan meliputi; 1) Platform Zoom paling sesuai untuk mata kuliah Pengolahan Makanan Asia dalam PJJ; 2) Platform Zoom paling sesuai untuk mata kuliah Evaluasi Belajar dan Pembelajaran dalam PJJ; 3) Mahasiswa sering mematikan kamera karena adanya kendala dalam pembelajaran seperti jaringan sinyal yang, fasilitas yang kurang memadai; 4) mahasiswa berpendapat urgensi membuka kamera adalah penting pada saat dosen bertanya dan saat presensi serta upaya untuk menghargai dosen dan teman yang sedang berbicara atau presentasi.
This research is a case study based on the track record of the opinion of students, where the purpose of this study is to describe the Implementation of Distance Learning (distance learning) in the era of the pandemic of Covid-19 on Culinary Science Education Student. The type of this research is descriptive quantitative, where the research data in the form of a percentage of the results of the poll students by using a closed questionnaire as well as specialized trail opinions are subjective in the can of the respondents included in the questionnaire is open related to the Implementation of Distance Learning, the Process of Communicative, the Response of the Learners and the learning Activities. Methods of data collection using a closed questionnaire with likert scale and the questionnaire is open to dig the opinion of the respondents subjectively. In addition, researchers also use the document to see the results of the learning. The results of quantitative research include; 1) the Indicators of the Implementation of Learning has average achievement of 78.1% with the criteria of strongly agree; 2) indicators of the process of communicative with the average achievement of 71.4% were on criteria agreed; 3) Indicators of the Response of the Learners and the Learning Activities produce a percentage of the average of 75.1% were on criteria agreed; and 4) the Results of Learning with the distance learning did not show significant difference where almost all the students, gets the value of the UTS is above 55 (C s/d). The results of the Research outside of indicators above are obtained in the four statements include; 1) the Platform Zoom is most appropriate for courses in Food Processing of Asia in distance learning; 2) Platform Zoom is most appropriate for courses in Evaluation of teaching and Learning in distance learning; 3) Students often turn off the camera due to the presence of obstacles in the learning as a network signal, inadequate facilities; 4) a student argues the urgency of the opening of the camera is important at a time when the lecturer asked and when the presence as well as an attempt to appreciate a lecturer and a friend who was talking or presentations.