Data disajikan dari bentuk kata dan ucapan Sherlock Holmes dan karakter lain dalam adegan tertentu dalam "Film Sherlock Holmes-The Game of Shadow". Data dianalisis berdasarkan teori Martin Joos. Selain itu, bagian ini terdiri dari hasil dari jenis gaya bicara, faktor sosial, dan dimensi sosial yang digunakan oleh Sherlock Holmes dan karakter lain dalam film "Sherlock Holmes-The Game of Shadow", konteks sosial yang mempengaruhi Sherlock Holmes untuk gunakan gaya itu. Ada beberapa jenis gaya bicara yang ditemukan dalam penelitian ini. Penulis menemukan 9 data tentang ucapan Sherlock Holmes dan karakter lain yang terdiri dari gaya bicara. Dari data yang telah diambil, semua data akan dianalisis. Data itu juga sudah disortir dari film "Sherlock Holmes-The Game of Shadow" karena jumlah datanya.
Penelitian ini dilakukan dalam analisis deskriptif kualitatif. Deskriptif kualitatif digunakan selama penelitian, karena penelitian ini menggunakan semua ucapan dalam Film Sherlock Holmes-The Game of Shadow. Ini berarti bahwa fokus penelitian dipersempit hanya secara bertahap dan kategori atau konsep analitik ditentukan selama proses penelitian.
This study was conducted in a descriptive qualitative analysis. The descriptive qualitative was used during the research, because this study used all the utterances in Sherlock Holmes Movie-The Game of Shadow. It means that the research focus in narrowed down only gradually and the analytic categories or concept are defined during the process of the research.
The data are presented from the form of word and the utterances of Sherlock Holmes and other characters in a certain scene in “Sherlock Holmes Movie-The Game of Shadow”. The data was analyzed based on Martin Joos theories. Moreover, this part consist of the result of the types of speech style, social factors, and social dimension which is used by Sherlock Holmes and other characters in the movie “Sherlock Holmes-The Game of Shadow”, social context that influences Sherlock Holmes to use those style. There are several types of speech styles that found in this study. The writer found 9 data about Sherlock Holmes and other characters utterances that consist of the speech style. From the data that has been taken, all data will be analyzed. The data were also already being sorted out from the movie “Sherlock Holmes-The Game of Shadow” because the amount of the data.