The Development of Educational Game Media GHOSTING (Go Shopping With Studying) on Rounding and Estimating Materials for Grade IV in Elementary School.
Pembelajaran di masa pandemi ini menyebabkan kegiatan pembelajaran kurang maksimal karena penggunaan media yang kurang menarik dalam menyampaikan konsep materi pembulatan dan penaksiran. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengembangkan media game edukasi sebagai alat bantu siswa memahami materi pembulatan dan penaksiran serta menguji kelayakan, kepraktisan dan efektivitas media game edukasi GHOSTING (Go Shopping With Studying) untuk kelas IV SD. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode Research and Development (R&D) dengan model ADDIE yang memiliki 5 tahap dalam pelaksanaannya, yaitu Analysis, Design, Development, Implementationn dan Evaluation. Dari Hasil penelitian ini menghasilkan media game edukasi GHOSTING dengan tingkat kelayakan media game edukasi GHOSTING memperoleh persentase 90,9 % dari ahli materi dan 88,2 % dari ahli media. Sedangkan untuk kepraktisan media diperoleh dari respon yang diberikan oleh guru dengan persentase 100 % dan respon siswa yang mendapat persentase 88,6%. Kemudian untuk tingkat keefektifan media didapatkan dari persentase ketuntasan belajar siswa yang menunjukkan hasil 83,3% dan uji normal gain sebesar 0,63 dengan kategori sedang. Dengan demikian media game edukasi GHOSTING (Go Shopping With Studying) sangat layak, sangat praktis dan sangat efektif digunakan pada materi pembulatan dan penaksiran untuk kelas IV Sekolah Dasar.
Kata Kunci: game edukasi GHOSTING, media, pembulatan dan penaksiran
Learning during this pandemic causes learning activities to be less than optimal due to the use of less attractive media in conveying the concept of rounding and assessment material. This study aims to develop educational game media as a tool to help students understand rounding and assessment materials and to test the feasibility, practicality and effectiveness of GHOSTING (Go Shopping With Studying) educational game media for fourth grade elementary school students. This study uses the Research and Development (R&D) method with the ADDIE model which has 5 stages in its implementation, namely Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation and Evaluation. The results of this study resulted in the GHOSTING educational game media with the feasibility level of the GHOSTING educational game media obtaining a percentage of 90.9% from material experts and 88.2% from media experts. As for the practicality of the media, it is obtained from the responses given by the teacher with a percentage of 100% and the response of students who get a percentage of 88.6%. Then for the level of effectiveness of the media obtained from the percentage of student learning completeness which shows the results of 83.3% and the normal gain test is 0.63 with a medium category. Thus the educational game media GHOSTING (Go Shopping With Studying) is very feasible, very practical and very effective for use in rounding and assessment materials for grade IV Elementary School.
Keywords : educational game GHOSTING, media, rounding and estimating