Education has an important role in human life. Along with the
development of technology, it is necessary to improve the quality of education
through the development of learning materials that are integrated with
technological innovations. The aims of this study were (1) to produce a car
audio system learning module that is integrated with Augmented Reality, (2) to
determine the validity level of the integrated Augmented Reality Car Audio
System learning module at SMK YKP Magetan, (3) to determine the practicality of
the integrated Car Audio System learning module Augmented Reality at SMK YKP
Magetan in terms of student responses, and (4) knowing the level of
effectiveness of the integrated Augmented Reality Car Audio System learning
module at SMK YKP Magetan in terms of student learning outcomes.
This research is a
development research (R&D) using the ADDIE research method. The subjects of
this study were 35 students of class XII Automotive Light Vehicle Engineering.
The research design uses the One Shoot Pretest – Posttest where in this
research design the results of the pretest and posttest are taken
as a comparison of student learning outcomes. Data analysis was carried out by
presenting data, the results of rating analysis, averages, and percentage
scores and conclusions.
The results of this
study are the validated augmented reality integrated car audio system learning
module. The validation results by 3 validators obtained an average of 89% with
very good criteria for validating learning modules an average of 91% with very
valid criteria for validating item items, and an average of 88% with very valid
criteria for validating questionnaires student responses. In the aspect of
practicality, the rating obtained was 87% based on the responses of students
with very practical criteria.
Data analysis on the effectiveness aspect was analyzed using SPSS v.
26 with normality test results of 0.002 for pretest results and 0.037 for
posttest results so it can be concluded that the data is not normally
distributed. After testing using non-parametric statistical analysis the
Wilcoxon Signed Rank Test found the Asymp value. It is 0.000 so that the H1
acceptance criteria are met and it can be concluded that there is a significant
influence on the use of the module. Meanwhile, on the effectiveness aspect, the
score obtained is based on the N-gain value of 64.58% so it can be concluded
that the learning module developed is quite effective.
Keywords : Learning module , validity, practicality, effectiveness.