Tujuan penelitian ini adalah dihasilkannya instrumen Six Tier Diagnostic Test (STDT) pada materi kesetimbangan kimia untuk mendeteksi miskonsepsi siswa secara secara akurat. Instrumen STDT ini mengukur miskonsepsi siswa secara komprehensif pada seluruh aspek pertanyaan keilmuan yaitu aspek ontologi, epistemologi, dan aksiologi. Kelayakan instrumen disimpulkan berdasar kepada tiga kriteria, yaitu validitas, kepraktisan, dan keefektifan. Penelitian mengikuti model pengembangan ADDIE. Validitas instrumen ditetapkan berdasar expert judgement yang dilakukan oleh tiga dosen berlatar pendidikan kimia. Kepraktisan instrumen ditetapkan berdasar penilaian pengguna/siswa. Efektivitas instrumen didasarkan pada validitas empiris melalui hubungan pola sebaran tingkat miskonsepsi dengan desain tingkat kesulitan soal pada uji statistik chi-kuadrat. Implementasi instrumen untuk uji efektivitas direncanakan melibatkan 86 sampel siswa fase F di SMA Hang Tuah 5 Sidoarjo. Hasil analisis data didapatkan bahwa instrumen STDT mendapatkan penilaian dengan kriteria sangat valid pada setiap butir soal dalam validitas isi dan validitas konstruk. Respon positif siswa pada setiap butir pernyataan angket >80%. Hasil uji chi-kuadrat menunjukkan jika terdapat hubungan antara kesulitan butir soal dengan miskonsepsi. Berdasarkan data hasil penelitian tersebut, dapat dinyatakan bahwa instrumen STDT yang dikembangkan telah layak digunakan untuk mendeteksi miskonsepsi siswa pada materi kesetimbangan kimia secara komprehensif ditinjau dari tiga pertanyaan keilmuan.
Kata Kunci: six-tier diagnostic test, miskonsepsi, kesetimbangan kimia
The purpose of this study is the production of Six Tier Diagnostic Test (STDT) instruments on chemical equilibrium material to accurately detect student misconceptions. This STDT instrument measures students misconceptions comprehensively on all aspects of scientific questions. The aspects of ontology, epistemology, and axiology. The feasibility of the instrument is concluded based on three criteria. Validity, practicality, and effectiveness. The research follows the ADDIE development model. The validity of the instrument is determined based on expert judgment conducted by three lecturers with chemistry education backgrounds. The practicality of the instrument is determined based on the user/student’s rating. The effectiveness of the instrument is based on empirical validity through the relationship of the distribution pattern of misconception level with the design of the difficulty of the questions on the chi-squared statistical test. The implementation of the instrument for the effectiveness test is planned to involve 86 samples of phase F students at SMA Hang Tuah 5 Sidoarjo. The results of data analysis found that the STDT instrument received an assessment with very valid criteria on each question item in content validity and construct validity. The positive response of students to each item of the questionnaire statement >80%. The results of the chi-squared test show that there is a relationship between the difficulty of the question item and misconceptions. Based on the data of study, it can be stated that the STDT instrument developed is feasible to be used to detect student misconceptions on chemical equilibrium material comprehensively in terms of three scientific questions.
Keywords: six-tier diagnostic test, misconception, chemical equilibrium