Analisis Sprint Dan Daya Tahan Atlet Putri Ku 14 Club Basket CLS Surabaya
Analysis of Sprint and Endurance for Female Athletes of 14 CLS Basketball Club Surabaya
Physical condition is the capacity of a person who performs physical work with graded abilities. The problem taken in this study is how to describe the category and the average results of the Speed and Bleep test results for female athletes age group 14 basketball club CLS Surabaya. The age group of 14 female basketball club CLS Surabaya as population and 18 athletes as samples. This type of research is quantitative research. Based on the results of the research, the analysis of the results of the 30 meter sprint test and the bleep test for female athletes of the age group 14 basketball club CLS Surabaya in 2020, which includes a 30 meter running speed test, gets the results of the athlete's ability test in the good category of 44.4%. , while the bleep test (VO2max) endurance test results in the athlete's ability in the moderate category of 61.1%.