Perilaku Pedagang Pasar Bandar Kecamatan Mojoroto Kota Kediri Dalam Prespektif Prinsip Dasar Pasar Islami
Behavior Of Bandar Market Traders Mojororto District Kediri City In The Perspective Of The Basic Principles Of Islamic Markets
Kegiatan jual beli merupakan salah satu kebutuhan masyarakat sebagai sarana dan prasarana dalam memenuhi kebutuhan hidup sehari-hari. Salah satu sarana tempat jual beli itu adalah pasar, dalam lingkungan pemasaran dapat berubah dan serba tidak pasti serta memberikan peluang dan ancaman. Pasar Bandar merupakan pasar tradisonal yang menjual kebutuhan bahan-bahan pokok dengan harga yang terjangkau bagi masyarakat. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui perilaku pedagang dan kesesuaian dengan prinsip dasar pasar islami. Kesimpulan dari penelitian ini perilaku pedagang di pasar bandar sudah baik dan tepat meskipun pada dasarnya pasar Bandar merupakan pasar tradisional biasa atau konvensional dan pedagang di pasar Bandar sudah menerapkan prinsip ar-ridhla, persaingan sehat, kejujuran, keterbukaan, dan keadilan dengan cukup baik.
Keywords : Pasar Tradisional, perilaku pedagang, Prinsip dasar pasar islami
Buying and selling activities are one of the community’s needs as facilities and infrastructure of daily needs. Here, the market as one of the tools where there is buying and selling interaction. The marketing environment can change and be uncertain and provide not only opportunities but also threats. The Bandar market is a traditional market that sells the needs for essential materials at an affordable price for the community. The purpose of this research is to determine the behaviour of traders and compliance with the basic principles of Islamic markets. This type of research uses descriptive qualitative research. Data collection techniques using observation, interview, and documentation. The conclusion of this research is the traders’ behaviour in the Bandar market which already tolerable and precise even though the city market is essentially a conventional market, and traders in the Bandar market already apply the principle of Ar-Ridhla, healthy competition, honesty, openness, and justice properly.
Keywords : Traditional market, behavior of traders, basic principles of islamic market