Santoso, Minnar Titis (2024) Food Management Laboratory Management as an Effort to Improve the Quality of Practicum (Case Study of the Culinary Education Study Program, Family WelfareEducation Department, Faculty of Engineering, Surabaya State University).Master Thesis, Education Management Program, Faculty of Education, State University of Surabaya . Supervisor: (I) Dr. Sri Setyowati, M.Pd dan (II) Dr. Nunuk Hariyati, M.Pd.
Keyword : Laboratory Management, Food Management, Practical Quality This research aims to describe and analyze laboratory management in food management laboratories as well as analyzing supporting factors, inhibiting factors and analysis of obstacles in laboratory management that affect the quality of practicum. The research method used is a qualitative descriptive research method. The results of the research are food management laboratory management including planning, organizing, implementing, monitoring and evaluating. The supporting components involved in implementing laboratory management are laboratory standards, laboratory facilities, laboratory equipment and materials and laboratory human resources. Supporting factors, inhibiting factors and alternative solutions to obstacles in laboratory management that affect the quality of practicum are reviewed in the aspects of practicum planning, practicum implementation, practicum evaluation, laboratory human resources, facilities and infrastructure and time of practicum activities. The conclusion is that the implementation of laboratory management functions in the food management laboratory is running well even though there are obstacles. Aspects related to the implementation of laboratory management are able to provide optimal support but need to be improved in quality and quantity. Supporting factors for practicum quality include the availability of practicum planning, the presence of lecturers and laboratory assistants during practicum, students maintaining the cleanliness of the laboratory, competent teaching staff, availability of facilities and infrastructure, and availability of time for practicum activities. Factors inhibiting the quality of practicum are the absence of practicum guidelines, limited availability of practicum time, less than ideal human resource ratios, and the need to increase the quality and quantity of laboratory facilities and infrastructure. Alternative solutions to obstacles include the need to prepare practicum guidelines, propose renovation of laboratory facilities, procurement of practicum equipment tailored to practicum needs, briefing before practice, preparation of appropriate assessment standards or assessment criteria for each practical course, improving the quality of lecturers and laboratory assistants, adding new staff and setting practical schedule.