Ilman A., Muhammad. "Development of Android E-Module Using Figma to
Enhance Application Design Competency at SMK N 41 Jakarta." Thesis. Surabaya.
S2 Technology and Vocational
Education Study Program, Graduate
School, State University of Surabaya. 2024. Supervisors: (I) Prof. Dr.
Ekohariadi, M.Pd. and (II) Dr. Warju, S.Pd., S.T., M.T..
The demand for Figma-based UI/UX experts continues to rise, yet the limited availability of skilled human resources poses a significant challenge. This issue arises because the UI/UX field is not deeply taught in vocational schools (SMK),
resulting in suboptimal exploration of students’ skills development. This study aims to develop
and evaluate the
effectiveness of a Figma-based E-Module in application design learning. The research was conducted at SMKN 41 Jakarta, involving 31 Control group students and
31 experimental group students from
class XI DKV.
The method used is Research and Development (RnD) with the ADDIE development model, consisting of five stages:
Analysis, Design,
Development, Implementation, and Evaluation. Data were collected through validation of learning tools
by experts and application design skill tests. Validation results
indicate that the E-Module is highly valid, with high feasibility scores in media engineering (96.1%), instructional
design (94.6%), and visual communication (91.6%). One-way ANOVA analysis shows that the use of the
Figma-based E-Module significantly impacts students’ learning outcomes (p = 0.000).
Students using the E-Module achieved better learning outcomes compared
to those using conventional learning methods.
E-Module excels in presenting material interactively, systematically, and
relevantly to application design learning needs, enhancing student engagement
and technical skills aligned with industry demands. Based on the study
findings, it is recommended to