Analisis Struktur Konstituen Pidato Presiden Jokowi dalam Kanal Youtube KOMPASTV
Analysis of the Constituent Structure of President Jokowi's Speech on the KOMPASTV Youtube Channel
Kajian penelitian ini tentang analisis struktur konstituen ujaran pidato presiden Joko Widodo pada saat peringatan hari lahirnya pancasila tanggal 1 Juni 2022 di Ende, Nusa Tenggara Timur. Hal utama yang melatarbelakangi pengambilan sumber data berupa pidato dari presiden Joko Widodo dikarenakan kalimat-kalimat yang beliau ucapkan saat berpidato merupakan tuturan yang memiliki struktur baku dan efektif. Karena beliau seorang presiden, orang nomor satu di Indonesia, tentu memiliki daya tarik tersendiri untuk menjadikan pidato beliau sebagai sumber data artikel ini. Analisis struktur konstituen menjadi pokok pembahasan artikel ini karena belum ada jurnal ilmiah yang mengkaji mengenai struktur konstituen. Metode dan teknik pengumpulan data ini menggunakan metode simak dan teknik catat sebagai teknik lanjutannya. Metode simak digunakan untuk menyimak pidato, kemudian dilanjutkan menganalisis struktur konstituennya. Analisisnya berfokus pada varian struktur konstituen kalimat yang terdapat dalam data. Hasil penelitian ini menemukan varian struktur konstituen yang diisi oleh beberapa jenis frasa, yakni frasa verbal, frasa nominal, frasa determiner, frasa adjektival, frasa adverbial, dan frasa preposisional.
Kata Kunci: struktur konstituen, verbal, nominal, determiner, adjektival, adverbial, preposisional
This research study is about analyzing the constituent structure of President Joko Widodo's speech on the anniversary of the birth of Pancasila on June 1, 2022 in Ende, East Nusa Tenggara. The main thing behind the collection of data sources in the form of a speech from President Joko Widodo is because the sentences he said during his speech were speeches that had a standard and effective structure. Because he is a president, the number one person in Indonesia, of course he has his own charm to use his speech as the data source for this article. Constituent structure analysis is the subject of discussion in this article because there are still few scientific journals that study the constituent structure. The methods and techniques of data collection used the listening method and note-taking technique as a follow-up technique. The listening method is used to listen to the speech, then proceed to analyze the constituent structure. The analysis focuses on several constituent categories found in the data, which include verbal phrases, nominal phrases, determiner phrases, adjective phrases, adverbial phrases, and prepositional phrases. The results of this study contain the grouping of phrases into types accompanied by an analysis of the structure diagram of the phrase and its explanation.
Keywords: constituent, verbal, nominal, determiner, adjective, adverbial, prepositional