Kata kunci: validasi, tes sumatif, Bahasa Jerman
Tes sumatif bahasa Jerman mengacu pada materi dan tujuan pembelajaran bahasa Jerman selama satu semester. Pengukuran perlu diadakan untuk mengetahui ketepatan informasi materi dan tujuan pembelajaran selama satu semester, sehingga perlu adanya validasi. Selain validasi, uji reliabilitas untuk soal tes sumatif juga diperlukan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan validitas dan reliabilitas soal tes sumatif. Soal tes sumatif yang diteliti yaitu soal tes sumatif bahasa Jerman kelas XI semester 1 SMAN 4 Depok. Uji validitas dan reliabilitas penelitian ini menggunakan Microsoft Excel 2013. Penelitian ini termasuk penelitian kuantitatif. Sumber data yang digunakan yaitu LJK (lembar jawaban komputer) tes sumatif bahasa Jerman kelas XI semester 1 yang berjumlah 388. Data penelitian yang digunakan yaitu kisi-kisi dan soal tes sumatif bahasa Jerman kelas XI semester 1 yang berjumlah 50 soal pilihan ganda dengan 5 pilihan jawaban. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa 44 soal tersebut dinyatakan valid dan 6 soal lainnya dinyatakan tidak valid. Sehingga, lebih dari 75% soal tes sumatif bahasa Jerman kelas XI semester 1 SMAN 4 Depok dinyatakan valid. Sedangkan soal tes sumatif ini dikatan reliabel karena memiliki nilai 0,811. Angka tersebut melebihi angka minimum, yaitu 0,70. Maka tes sumatif ini dinyatakan memiliki reliabilitas yang sangat tinggi.
The German summative test refers to the material and objectives of learning German for one semester. Measurements need to be held to determine the accuracy of material information and learning objectives for one semester, so validation is needed. In addition to validation, reliability testing for summative test questions is also needed. This study aims to describe the validity and reliability of German summative test. The summative test in this research were German summative test grade XI semester 1 of SMAN 4 Depok. Validity and reliability test of this research using Microsoft Excel 2013. This research is quantitative research. The data source is LJK (computer answer sheet) German summative test grade XI semester 1 which amounted to 388. The research data were lattice and German summative test questions grade XI semester 1 which totaled 50 multiple choice questions with 5 choices answer. The results of this research indicate that 44 questions were valid and 6 other questions were invalid. So, more than 75% of the summative test questions in German summative test grade XI in semester 1 of SMAN 4 Depok were valid. This summative test question is reliable because it has a value 0,811. This number exceeds the minimum number, which is 0,70. So this summative test is stated to have very high reliability.
Keywords: validation, summative test, German language