Folklor lisan merupakan bagian dari folklor yang diwariskan dengan cara turun temurun. Salah satunya folklore lisan adalah, Legenda Punden Mbah Gemplo di Desa Sendangrejo Kecamatan Tambakrejo Kabupaten Bojonegoro. Legenda ini tergolong folklor lisan karena menceritakannya dengan cara mulut ke mulut. LPMG masih di lestarikan dan dipercaya masyarakat agar tetap ada. Wujud dari legenda Punden Mbah Gemplo ini akan dibahas menggunakan kajian folklore lisan. Rumusan masalah dalam penelitian ini ada tiga, (1) Bagaimana cerita legenda Punden Mbah Gemplo di Desa Sendangrejo Kecamatan Tambakrejo Kabupaten Bojonegoro; 2) bagaimana mitos dalam cerita legenda Punden Mbah Gemplo di Desa Sendangrejo Kecamatan Tambakrejo Kabupaten Bojonegoro; 3) bagaimana fungsi cerita legenda Punden Mbah Gemplo di Desa Sendangrejo Kecamatan Tambakrejo Kabupaten Bojonegoro. Untuk membahas masalah yang ada dalam penelitian, metode yang digunakan yaitu deskriptif kualitatif. Data primer dan data sekunder menjadi sumber. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukan jika cerita, mitos, fungsi Punden Mbah Gemplo masih ada dan lestari sampai sekarang karena masih diceritakan kepada anak cucunya. Selain itu masyarakat banyak yang mengerti dan mempunyai niat untuk menjaga dan melestarikannya agar tidak hilang tergerus jaman modern.
Kata kunci: Legenda, folklore, Punden Mbah Gemplo.
Oral folklore is a part of folklore that is passed down from generation to generation. One of them is oral folklore or folklore, Legend of Punden Mbah Gemplo in Sendangrejo Village, Tambakrejo District, Bojonegoro Regency. This legend is classified as oral tradition because it spread almost entirely through word of mouth. LPMG is still preserved and trusted by the community so that it will exist. The Punden Mbah Gemplo legend will be discussed using oral folklore studies. There were 3 research questions which were (1) How is the legend of Punden Mbah Gemplo in Sendangrejo Village, Tambakrejo District, Bojonegoro Regency. (2) What is the myth in the legend of Punden Mbah Gemplo in Sendangrejo Village, Tambakrejo District, Bojonegoro Regency. (3) What is the function of the legend of Punden Mbah Gemplo in Sendangrejo Village, Tambakrejo District, Bojonegoro Regency. Descriptive qualitative is the method which used to discuss the research questions in this study. Primary data and secondary data are the sources. The result of this study indicates that stories, myths, functions The legend of the Punden Mbah Gemplo is still around and preserved today because it is still being told to his children and grandchildren. In addition, many people understand and have the intention to protect and preserve it so that it is not eroded by modern times.
Keywords: Legend, folklore, Pundhen Mbah Gemplo