2022. Development of an E-portfolio
Using A Student Led Conference Approach to Improve Communication, Collaboration, Critical thinking & Creativity Skills For Fifth Grade Elementary School Students.
Dissertation, Educational Technology study program, Surabaya State University Postgraduate Program. Advisors I. Prof. Dr. Mustaji, M.Pd and II. Dr Andi
Mariono, M.Pd.
Keywords : E-portfolio, student led
conference, communication,
collaboration, critical thinking & creativity
research aims to produce
an e-portfolio assessment model with a student led conference approach to
improve communication, collaboration, critical thinking & creativity skills
for fifth grade elementary school students. Test the feasibility and
effectiveness of the model through model books and applications.
research uses Research and
Development (R&D) with the model
used is Dick, et al. (2015) as
the model development stage. The independent variables of this research are
e-portfolio and students led conference while the dependent variable is the
communication, collaboration, critical thinking & creativity skills of the
fifth grade elementary school students. The subjects in this research were fifth grade
elementary school students.
data collection methods used are expert validation, observation, tests and
questionnaires. The data analysis
techniques used to test the feasibility and effectiveness in this study were
(1) One-to-one evaluation, namely expert testing using an expert validation
sheet (2) Small group evaluation conducted on three individual students as test
subjects (3) Field trials, namely implementing the e-portfolio model with the
SLC approach in actual classroom situations that are assessed using assessment
scores with various categories. The data analysis technique used to test the
effectiveness of the model is using the n-gain score test on the pre-test and
results of the research are as
follows: the average validation of the EP-SLC assessment model based on the
average validation of the EP-SLC model book by model experts is 87.15% with the
results feasible with revision. While the average validation of the application
of the EP-SLC model by model experts is 100% with the results feasible, so it
can be concluded that the EP-SLC model is feasible to use in the assessment
with these conclusions. To determine the level of effectiveness of the model
obtained by the n-gain
score test on the pretest
and posttest with an increase in the n-gain
score of collaboration
and creativity skills is >0.3 in the medium category and the results of the n-gain score
on the pretest and posttest of communication skills and critical thinking are
>0.7 with the high category. This means that there is a significant increase
in communication, collaboration, critical thinking & creativity