Penelitian ini bertujuan menghasilkan Truth-seeking Learning Model (TLM) yang valid, praktis, dan efektif untuk menumbuhkan disposisi berpikir kritis aspek pencarian kebenaran. Penelitian pengembangan ini menggunakan model ADDIE. Kelayakan model dengan uji validitas oleh pakar pembelajaran melalui focus group discussion. Uji keefektivan secara empiric model menggunakan pola siklus dengan one group pretest-posttest design. Subyek uji coba adalah 125 siswa kelas XI program Peminatan MIPA terdiri atas 4 kelas dan berasal dari satu sekolah. Pengumpulan data menggunakan metode validasi, pengamatan, angket, dan tes. Teknik analisis data secara deskriptif kuantitatif dan kualitatif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa: 1) TLM dinyatakan valid ditinjau dari (a) isi, (b) konstruk, dan (c) operasionalisasinya dalam bentuk perangkat pembelajaran; 2) TLM dinyatakan praktis didasarkan pada (a) keterlaksanaan model dengan kategori sangat baik, (b) tidak terdapat kendala yang berarti, dan (c) siswa aktif dalam pembelajaran sesuai rancangan; dan 3) TLM termasuk efektif ditinjau dari (a) peningkatan ketuntasan klasikal disposisi berpikir kritis siswa aspek pencarian kebenaran, (b) peningkatan ketuntasan klasikal keterampilan berpikir kritis inferensi, dan (c) adanya respon positif yang ditunjukkan siswa terhadap TLM. Berdasarkan hasil tersebut dapat disimpulkan bahwa TLM yang dikembangkan adalah valid, praktis, dan efektif untuk menumbuhkan disposisi berpikir kritis.
This research aims to produce a valid, practical and effective Truth-seeking Learning Model (TLM) to improve the critical thinking disposition truth-seeking sub-scale. This development research used the ADDIE model. The feasibility of the model tested by learning experts through focus group discussions. The empirical effectiveness test of the model used a cycle pattern with one group pretest-posttest design. The subjects of the study were 125 grade XI students of the science and math program consisting of 4 classes coming from one school. Data collection used validation, observation, questionnaire, and test. Data analysis techniques were quantitative descriptive and qualitative. The results showed that: 1) TLM was valid in terms of (a) content, (b) construct, and (c) its operasionalization in the form of learning devices; 2) TLM was practical in terms of (a) the implementation of the model was very good, (b) there were no significant obstacles, and (c) students were active in learning according to the design; and 3) TLM was effective in terms of (a) improvement in classical completeness of the students’ critical thinking disposition truth-seeking sub-scale, (b) improvement in classical completeness of critical thinking skills of inference, and (c) the positive response shown by students to TLM. Based on these results it can be concluded that the TLM developed is valid, practical, and effective to improve the critical thinking disposition truth-seeking sub-scale.