Mojokerto City Social Service runs the Integrated Referral Service and System
(SLRT) which is applied in all Mojokerto City, one of which is in the Wates Subdistrict,
Magersari District, Mojokerto City. SLRT is a system that helps identify the needs of the poor and
connects them with other protection programs. The emergence of SLRT makes it
easy for the poor in Wates Village who want to
get social assistance easily. The purpose of this study is to describe
in depth and analyze the implementation of SLRT
in Wates Subdistrict, Magersari District, Mojokerto City.
type of research used is descriptive research with a qualitative approach. The
focus of this study consists of four aspects including communication,
resources, disposition, bureaucratic structure.
Data collection techniques are interview techniques, observation, and
documentation which are analyzed using data analysis techniques according to
Miles and Huberman, including data collection,
data reduction, data presentation, and conclusion drawing.
results of this study indicate that the implementation of SLRT has not gone
well, because in the delivery of information it is still unclear, the uneven
delivery of information has resulted in many communities in Wates Subdistrict
Magersari Sub-District, Mojokerto City who do not know about SLRT. Human
resources at the service and kelurahan level are
sufficient, but at the kelurahan level there are still a number of less active
human resources in implementation. The third aspect is disposition, the
appointment of bureaucrats is done well by making a joint decision to select
several community actors who will participate in running the SLRT. For
incentives, it was explained that there were no incentives obtained by the
facilitators who worked in each village. The bureaucratic structure has been
implemented in accordance with the main tasks and functions that exist.