The novel Prau Layar
ing Kali Code and Novel Prau Layar ing Kali Opak by Budi Sardjono are literary works
that describe one form of Javanese culture. The contents of the novel depict
the life of Javanese people who still adhere to the belief in myths and mystics.
Based on this statement, the problem formulas in this study are (1) Javanese
people's belief in myths, (2) Javanese belief in mystics, (3) the impact of
myth and mystical beliefs, and (4) Javanese opinion on myths and mystics.
This study uses a
qualitative descriptive method to explain the story description clearly and
objectively about mythical and mystical beliefs. The theory used to explore the
contents of the novel is literary anthropology described by Suwardi Endraswara.
The primary data sources used were the novel Prau Layar ing Kali Code and Prau
Layar ing Kali Opak , while the secondary data sources were public opinion which
was carried out by interview. The research data objects are in the form of
words, sentences, conversations between characters, or paragraphs that explain
myth and mystical beliefs. The data collection procedures in this study were
literature study, reading techniques, notes, and interviews.
The results of this
study are in accordance with the research formulation (1) the Javanese people's
belief in the myth, namely the encoded gugon tuhon , such as Kali Lanang, Kali
Wadon, Kukuh Baku, Jangan Lodheh , and the Gugon Tuhon , the prohibition in the
form of prohibition when candhik ala , the prohibition of sailing Legendha,
namely the legend Ki Ageng Pemanahan, Kanjeng Ratu Kidul, and Panembahan
Senopati. Animal symbols and conditions, as well as characteristics, (2)
Javanese people's belief in mystics, namely spirits, guidance, holding back
lust, magical objects, offerings, productive magic, and protective magic, (3)
the impact on myth and mystical beliefs, namely the impact positive that is
felt by humans to have better thoughts and actions, while the negative impact
is causing arbitrary traits and actions, and (4) Javanese opinion used in this
study is based on occupation, religion, and elders. The conclusion from the
community's opinion is that myth and mystical beliefs are a manifestation of
learning about life which is a legacy of ancestors as a legacy that needs to be
Keywords : belief, Javanese society, myth,