Kata Kunci : Upaya sekolah, ekstrakurikuler paskibra, karakter disiplin dan tanggung jawab.
This study aimed to describe efforts to improve the character of responsibility and discipline members through coaching extracurricular activities troop flag raisers (paskibra) SMPN 2 Gedangan Sidoarjo namely time and discipline disciplined behavior and implementing the obligations imposed maximum. The method used in this research is qualitative descriptive. Data were collected by using observation, interview and documentation. This research was conducted at SMPN 2 Gedangan, in the village Singomenggolo Ganting Gedangan District of Sidoarjo. Objects in this study are all active members paskibra in SMPN 2 Gedangan. This study uses observational theory Albert Bandura.
Character is a behavior that is done repeatedly and characterizes a person. In theory Albert Bandura, a person's behavior is formed by the processes of human observational act by observing other human beings. There are four concepts in Bandura's theory is the first observational, namely attensioanal process paskibra members observed that the model builder paskibra. Second, the process of which member paskibra retensional start storing the information received from the builder paskibra. Third, the process of formation that is a member Paskib behavior began to take action in accordance with the information obtained. Fourth, the motivational process that is giving spirit through reward and punishment.
The results showed that the efforts of the school to improve the character of responsibility and discipline of members through extracurricular activities paskibra coaching is good because students already comply Paskibra and have achievements at the district level. Data found that students who violate school rules mostly not incorporated in extracurricular members paskibra. While the highest percentage of absences member in extracurricular activities paskibra in 2018 amounted to 10% which is about 6 to 8 cases. Character formation and discipline responsibilities paskibra members obtained from the existing regulations in extracurricular paskibra and existing activities, namely the regulation of marching (UN), giving the material, games, training, and example.
Keywords: Efforts to school, extracurricular paskibra, character discipline and responsibility.