Peran pelatih sangat berpengaruh dalam mencetak atlet-atlet yang berkompeten. Pelatih sebagai pembimbing dalam atlet mencapai target yang diharapkan. Pelatih setidaknya memahami apa itu konsep latihan dan tahapan-tahapan yang harus dilalui atlet sebelum menjadi atlet elit.Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui tingkat pemahaman pelatih cabang beladiri Taekwondo di Kota Surabaya terhadap atlet kelas festival dan prestasi. Penelitian ini berdasarkan hasil tes Diklat Pelatih Daerah Level 1 untuk cabang olahraga Taekwondo. Hasil penelitian ini didapatkan dari Diklat Pelatih Daerah Level 1 yang diikuti oleh pelatih pelatih Taekwondo se-Jawa Timur namun peneliti hanya akan menganalisis hasil tes dari Pelatih yang berdomisili di Kota Surabaya. Jumlah sampel nilai yang didapatkan berasal dari 100 Pelatih baik pelatih utama maupun asisten pelatih. Aspek penilaian yang diambil dalam Diklat Pelatih Level 1 ini berasal berbagai tes yang dilakukan oleh beberapa pemateri. Materi yang akan dimasukan dalam penilaian tes adalah Aturan kompetisi pertandingan (Competition Rules) baik kategori Kyorugi (Tanding) maupun Poomsae (Seni), kekuatan dan pengondisian (Strengh and Conditioning), Fundamental atlet Kyorugi dan Poomsae, LTAD (Long Term Athlete Development), Pencegahan dan pengobatan cedera dalam olahraga (Prevention and Treatment of Sport Injury). Aturan kompetisi pertandingan yang diujikan mengacu pada aturan terbaru yang digunakan oleh Federasi Taekwondo Dunia atau World Taekwondo Federation (WTF). Hasil pre-tes dan post-tes menunjukan kenaikan yang dapat diartikan bahwa para pelatih memahami materi yang diberikan.
Kata kunci: Pelatih, Taekwondo, Kyorugi, Poomsae
The role of the coach is very influential in producing competent athletes. The coach acts as a guide for the athlete to achieve the expected targets. Coaches at least understand what the concept of training is and the stages that athletes must go through before becoming elite athletesThis research aims to determine the level of understanding of Taekwondo Martial Art Coach in Surabaya City regarding festival and elite class athletes. This research is based on the results of the Level 1 Regional coach Training test for the sport of Taekwondo. The results of this research were obtained from the Regional Coach Training Level 1 which was attended by Taekwondo Coach throughout East Java, however the researcher will only analyze the test results from coach who live in Surabaya City. The number of sample values obtained came from 100 coach, both main trainers and assistant trainers. The assessment aspects taken in Level 1 Coach Training come from various tests carried out by several presenters. The material that will be included in the test assessment is Competition Rules for both the Kyorugi (Competing) and Poomsae (Art) categories, strength and conditioning, Kyorugi and Poomsae athlete fundamentals, LTAD (Long Term Athlete Development), Prevention and treatment of injuries in sports. The match competition rules tested refer to the latest rules used by the World Taekwondo Federation (WTF). The results of the pre-test and post-test showed an increase which could mean that the coach understood the material provided.
Keywords: Coach, Taekwondo, Kyorugi, Poomsae