Dalam kehidupan sehari-hari seringkali dijumpai peristiwa kapal berlayar di lautan yang bergerak karena adanya tiupan angin dan hujan. Peristiwa tersebut terdapat konsep ilmu fisika khususnya pada konsep fluida yang dapat ditelaah berdasarkan Alquran dan sains. Peneltian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis keterkaitan antara ilmu fisika (sains) khususnya pada konsep fluida dengan ayat yang terdapat pada Alquran. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian adalah metode kualitatif yakni kajian pustaka. Analisis yang digunakan berdasarkan tafsir Al-Mishbah, tafsir Ibnu Katsir dan tafsir Jalalain serta beberapa artikel dari penelitian yang relevan. Keterkaitan konsep fluida antara sains dengan Alquran terdapat pada karakteristik fluida yang dijelaskan pada Q.S. Al-Baqarah ayat 164, Q.S. Al-Luqman ayat 31 dan Q.S. Al-Furqan ayat 53. Konsep aliran laminer dan turbulen dijelaskan pada Q.S Yunus ayat 22 yang membahas mengenai jenis-jenis aliran fluida yang menggerakkan kapal berlayar di lautan. Hubungan antara tekanan dan laju aliran fluida dijelaskan oleh Q.S. Al-Baqarah ayat 74. Selain itu, terdapat penjelasan juga mengenai hubungan suhu, tekanan udara dan aliran fluida oleh Q.S. Al-Fathir Ayat 9 yang juga dikemukakan pada konsep persamaan Bernoulli dan Gay Lussac. Berdasarkan kajian yang dilakukan mengenai beberapa ayat Alquran, dapat disimpulkan bahwa ada keterkaitan antara Alquran dengan ilmu fisika (sains) khususnya pada fluida yakni mengenai karakteristik fluida, jenis aliran fluida, laju aliran fluida serta hubungan suhu dan tekanan pada aliran fluida.
Kataikunci: Alquran, sains, fluida
In everyday life, it is often found that ships sailing in the ocean move because of the wind and rain. The event contained the concept of physics, especially the concept of fluid which can be studied based on the Qur'an and science. This study aims to analyze the relationship between physics (science), especially the idea of fluid with verses contained in the Qur'an. The method used in this research is qualitative, namely literature review. The analysis used is based on the interpretation of Al-Mishbah, the interpretation of Ibn Kathir, and the interpretation of Jalalain as well as several articles from relevant research. The relationship between the concept of fluid and the Qur'an is found in the fluid characteristics described in Q.S. Al-Baqarah verse 164, Q.S. Al-Luqman verse 31, and Q.S. Al-Furqan verse 53. The concept of laminar and turbulent flow is explained in Q.S. Yunus verse 22 which discusses the types of fluid flow that drive ships sailing in the ocean. The relationship between pressure and fluid flow rate is explained by Q.S. Al-Baqarah verse 74. In addition, there is also an explanation of the relationship between temperature, air pressure, and fluid flow by Q.S. Al-Fathir Paragraph 9 which is also stated in the concept of the Bernoulli and Gay Lussac equation. Based on studies conducted on several verses of the Qur'an, it can be concluded that there is a relationship between the Qur'an and physics (science), especially in fluids, namely regarding fluid characteristics, types of fluid flow, fluid flow rates, and the relationship between temperature and pressure. on fluid flow.
Keywords: Qur'anic, science, fluid