Pembuatan Patty Vegan Berbahan Dasar Tempe Dan Sayuran Dengan Penambahan Isolat Soy Protein (ISP)
Shafiyyatul Rahil
Penelitian ini mengembangkan inovasi produk patty vegan dengan kombinasi protein nabati (tempe dan jamur), kembang kol, dan penambahan tepung isolate soy protein dengan 3 proporsi yang berbeda : 25g, 35g, dan 45g. Uji organolpetik dilakukan untuk mengevaluasi warna bagian luar, warna bagian dalam, bentuk, aroma, rasa, dan tekstur. Tujuan penelitian ini yaitu yaitu mengetahui pengaruh penambahan isolate soy protein terhadap hasil jadi patty vegan berbahan dasar tempe dan sayuran, memperoleh kandungan pembuatan patty vegan dengan kandungan gizi produk terbaik isolate soy protein dan mengetahui harga jual patty vegan berbahan dasar tempe dan sayuran dengan penambahan isolate soy protein dengan menggunakan metode food cost dan cost plus pricing. Penambahan 25g tepung isolate soy protein memiliki nilai yang paling tinggi dan menonjol dengan karakteristik warna bagian luar yaitu berwarna coklat, warna bagian luar yaitu berwarna coklat muda, beraroma tempe dan sayuran seimbang, bertekstur kenyal, berasa gurih tempe dan sayuran seimbang, berbentuk bulat cukup sempurna, dari seluruh kriteria penilaian hasil terbaik dalam kriteria penilaian kesukaan terdapat pada penambahan 25g tepung isolate soy protein. Analisis laboratorium kandungan gizi dari patty vegan yang terbaik yakni memiliki kandungan energi 179,60kkal/100gram, kadar protein 14,52%, kadar karbohidrat 21,90%, kadar lemak 2,54%, dan kadar serat 4,81%. Harga jual produk patty vegan dengan penambahan isolate soy protein memperoleh hasil Rp 4,891/55 g.
Kata kunci : patty vegan, tempe dan sayuran, isolate soy protein
Making Vegan Patty Made from Tempeh and Vegetables with the Addition of Isolated Soy Protein (ISP)
This study developed an innovative vegan patty product with a combination of vegetable protein, cauliflower, and soy protein isolate with 3 different proportions: 25g, 35g, and 45g. Organoleptic tests are performed to evaluate the outer color, inner color, shape, aroma, taste, and texture. This study aims to determine the effect of the addition of soy protein isolate on the results so vegan patty made from tempeh and vegetables, comparing the content of making vegan patty with the nutritional content of the best products soy protein isolate and know the selling price of vegan patty made from tempeh and vegetables with the addition of soy protein isolate by using the method of food cost and cost plus pricing. The addition of 25g of isolate soy protein flour has the highest value and stands out with the characteristics of the outer color which is brown, the outer color which is light brown, the aroma of tempeh and vegetables is balanced, the texture is chewy, the savory taste of tempeh and vegetables is balanced, the round shape is quite perfect, from all assessment criteria the best results in the criteria for evaluating liking are in the addition of 25g of isolate soy protein flour. Laboratory analysis of the nutritional content of the best vegan patty which has an energy content of 179.60kcal/100gram, protein content of 14.52%, carbohydrate content of 21.90%, fat content of 2.54%, and fiber content of 4.81%. The selling price of vegan patty products with the addition of soy protein isolate obtained a result of Rp 4,891 / 55 g.
Keywords: vegan patty, tempeh and vegetables, soy protein isolate