Mengeksplorasi Umpan Balik Lisan Guru Dalam Interaksi Kelas Online
Exploring Teacher’s Oral Feedback In Online Classroom Interaction
Keywords: Kelas Online, Interaksi Kelas, Umpan Balik Lisan Guru, Persepsi Murid
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menyelidiki umpan balik lisan guru, umpan balik lisan guru ini melalui kelas online untuk mendapatkan informasi terbaru berdasarkan perluasan pembelajaran online saat ini karena situasi darurat. Mengetahui model pengajaran baru saat ini penting untuk dapat diterapkan atau dapat menjadi pertimbangan di masa depan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menyelidiki umpan balik yang diberikan oleh guru dalam interaksi kelas online, jenis umpan balik guru lisan, tanggapan siswa terhadap umpan balik lisan guru dan persepsi siswa terhadap umpan balik lisan guru dalam interaksi kelas online.
Penelitian kualitatif ini diamati dari kelas online yang terdapat seorang guru dan tujuh belas siswa. Penafsiran dasar digunakan dalam penelitian ini. Kelas online menggunakan google meet sebagai platform konferensi dalam melakukan proses belajar mengajar. Hasil penelitian mengungkapkan bahwa guru menggunakan umpan balik lisan di kelas online. Setelah siswa melakukan kesalahan, guru segera memperbaiki kesalahan siswa. Ada beberapa umpan balik yang digunakan guru seperti umpan balik korektif, umpan balik motivasi, umpan balik evaluatif dan umpan balik elaboratif. Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa umpan balik korektif mendominasi umpan balik. Namun, umpan balik elaboratif menjadi kurang dimanfaatkan guru. Umpan balik di sini sangat penting bagi siswa khususnya untuk membantu mereka dalam meningkatkan bahasa Inggris mereka.
Kemudian, di kelas online, guru di sini mendominasi kelas. Itu bisa dilihat dari pengamatan. Namun, di kelas ini, masih ada interaksi antara guru dan siswa. Interaksi kelas online di sini didominasi oleh guru. Namun demikian, siswa juga melakukan interaksi walaupun terbatas. Interaksinya seperti inisiasi, respon dan diam. Interaksi siswa yang paling banyak adalah memberikan tanggapan kepada guru. Sedangkan inisiasi kurang dilakukan. Dapat dikatakan bahwa siswa masih merasa gugup dan malu karena baru pertama kali belajar daring. Kemudian, siswa memiliki respon positif terhadap umpan balik lisan guru dan interaksi kelas online. Meskipun mereka memberikan respon yang baik untuk kelas online, tetap saja mereka menghadapi beberapa masalah di dalam kelas. Mereka tahu masalah mereka dan mereka dapat menemukan solusi untuk masalah mereka sendiri.
Keywords: Online Classroom, Classroom Interaction, Teacher oral Feedback, Students’ Perception
This study is purposed to investigate the teacher’s oral feedback, this teacher’s oral feedback through online classroom is to get the newest information based on the expansion of online learning nowadays because of the emergency situation. Knowing the new mode of teaching currently is important that it can be applied or it can be a consideration in the future. This research purposes to investigate provided feedback from the teacher in online classroom interaction, the type of oral feedback that the teacher used, students’ responses to the teacher’s oral feedback and students’ perception of the teacher’s oral feedback in online classroom interaction.
The present qualitative research is observed from an online classroom that there is a teacher and seventeen students. A basic interpretive is used in this research. Online classroom uses google meets as their conference platform in conducting the teaching and learning process. The result of the study has revealed that the teacher uses oral feedback in online classroom using google Meetings. The oral feedback that the teacher uses here direct oral feedback that after students make mistake, the teacher immediately corrects the students’ error. It is the same as the offline classroom because the teacher uses google meets as the platform. So, that makes the classroom situation in real life time like the traditional classroom. There are some feedback that the teacher used such as corrective feedback, motivational feedback, evaluative feedback and elaborative feedback. The result from the study shows us that the corrective feedback dominates the other feedback. While elaborative feedback becomes less to be used by the teacher. Feedback here is very important for the students specially to assist them in improving their English.
Then, in online classroom, the teacher here dominates the classroom. It can be seen from the observation. However, in this classroom, still there is interaction between the teacher and the students. Online classroom interaction here is dominated by the teacher. However, students also do the interaction even it is limit. The interaction here is such as initiation, response and silence. The most students’ interaction here is giving responses to the teacher. While initiation seems less to be done by the students. It can be said that the students still feel nervous and shy because it becomes their first time for learning online. Then, the students have a positive response toward teacher’s oral feedback and online classroom interaction. Even though they give good responses for online classroom, still they face some problems in the classroom. They know their problems and they can find the solution for their own problems.