success of the learning process can be seen in the aspect of learning outcomes.
The learning outcomes of the accounting practicum for service, trade, and
manufacturing companies students are supported by several factors, from
internal factors, such as basic accounting comprehension and self-regulation,
and external factors, is intensity of giving assignment. The purpose of this
research is to determine the influence of basic accounting comprehension,
intensity of giving assignment, and self-regulation on the learning outcomes of
the accounting practicum for service, trade, and manufacturing companies at
class XI AKL SMK Negeri 1 Surabaya.
research used is quantitative research with ex post facto methods. The
population of this study is students of class XI AKL SMK Negeri 1 Surabaya for
the 2023/2024 academic year. The sample used is a simple random sampling. Data
collection was carried out through observation, interviews, documentation, and
questionnaires. Data processing uses
SPSS 26 starting from research instrument testing, classical assumption
testing, and hypothesis testing.
results show that 1) There was an simultaneous effect in comprehension of basic
accounting, intensity of giving assignment, and self-regulation on the learning
outcomes of the accounting practicum for service, trade, and manufacturing
companies. 2) There was a significant effect of comprehension of basic
accounting on the learning outcomes of the accounting practicum for service,
trade, and manufacturing companies. 3) There was a significant effect of
intensity of giving assignment on the learning outcomes of the accounting
practicum for service, trade, and manufacturing companies. 4) There was a
significant effect of self-regulation on the learning outcomes of the
accounting practicum for service, trade, and manufacturing companies.