Decaprin, Bryan (2024). Development of Learning Video Media to Improve Understanding of Concepts and Applying Procedures in Sub-Theme Material on Dominant Movement Patterns for Class V Gymnastics at Sdn Semambung Ii Sidoarjo. Thesis, Educational Technology Study Program, Postgraduate, Surabaya State University. Supervisor (1) Prof. Dr. Yatim Riyanto, M.Pd., Supervisor (2) Dr. H. Andi Mariono, M.Pd.
Keywords: Learning Videos, Understanding Concepts, Application of Procedures, PJOK.
This research aims to (1) Is the video media on the sub-theme material on Dominant Movement Patterns in Gymnastics suitable for use in PJOK subjects in class 5 at SDN Semambung II? understanding of concepts in the PJOK subject in class 5 at SDN Semambung II?
This research was conducted at SDN Semambung II Sidoarjo with the research subjects being grade 5 students with a total of 25 students. This research uses the ADDIE research model which consists of 5 stages, namely analyze, design, development, implementation, evaluation to develop appropriate learning video media. And to collect data, we use an essay test for understanding concepts and a practical test for applying procedures. This research tested the improvement in learning outcomes in the experimental class using a paired sample test.
The results of the research show (1) video media on the sub-theme material on Dominant Movement Patterns in Gymnastics is suitable for use in PJOK subjects and is suitable for use in class 5 at SDN Semambung II., (2) Video media on the sub-theme material on Dominant Movement Patterns in Gymnastics is effective for increasing understanding of concepts in the PJOK subject in class 5 at SDN Semambung II., (3) Video media on the sub-theme material on Dominant Movement Patterns of Gymnastics is effective for improving the ability to apply procedures in the PJOK subject in class 5 at SDN Semambung II. It is recommended that learning video media can be used as a learning resource that can be used by students, especially in the sub-theme of Dominant Movement Patterns in Gymnastics in the PJOK subject in grade 5 elementary school. and learning video media can be used by other schools/institutions, especially elementary schools in PJOK subjects, but must be adapted to school and student conditions.