Virus corona atau covid 19 memberikan dampak yang buruk bagi masyarakat Indonesia, tak hanya pada sektor kesehatan masyarakat, virus corona juga menimbulkan dampak buruk pada sektor perekonomian, social, wisata, pangan, manufaktur, transpotasi serta pendidikan. Sehingga pemerintah mengeluarkan kebijakan pembatasan social berskala besar (psbb) hingga di tahun ini (2021) lebih di perketat dengan kebijakan pemberlakuan pembatasan kegiatan masyarakat berbasis mikro (ppkm) dikarenakan virus corona atau covid 19 terus menyebar hingga banyak memakan korban jiwa. Covid-19 telah memberikan problem tersendiri bagi lembaga pendidikan di Indonesia, Mendikbud menghimbau agar semua lembaga pendidikan tidak melakukan proses belajar mengajar secara langsung atau tatap muka, melainkan harus dilakukan secara tidak langsung atau jarak jauh. Dengan adanya surat edaran dari kemendikbud mengenai pembelajaran dilakukan secara daring, maka penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui atau evaluasi bagaimana proses pembelajaran praktikum dengan tatap muka saat masa pandemic. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian deskriptif kualitatif. Sumber data penelitian diambil dari pengamatan,pembagian angket kepada mahasiswa. Didapatkan kesimpulan bahwa dari persiapan, mahasiswa sudah memahami dan sadar, kemudian bisa memenuhi perlengkapan yang harus dipersiapkan untuk menjaga protocol Kesehatan dalam proses pembelajaran, dan pelaksanaan pembelajaran sudah baik dengan catatan perlunya peningkatan agar lebih efektif dalam protocol Kesehatan dan penyampaian materi
Kata Kunci: pembelajaran tatap muka di masa pandemi
The corona virus or covid 19 has a bad impact on the people of Indonesia, not only in the public health sector, the corona virus also has a bad impact on the economic, social, tourism, food, manufacturing, transportation and education sectors. So that the government issued a large-scale social restriction policy (PSBB) until this year (2021) it was further tightened with a policy of implementing restrictions on micro-based community activities (PPKM) because the corona virus or covid 19 continued to spread, resulting in many casualties. Covid-19 has given its own problems for educational institutions in Indonesia, the Minister of Education and Culture urges all educational institutions not to carry out the teaching and learning process directly or face to face, but must be done indirectly or remotely. With a circular from the Ministry of Education and Culture regarding online learning, this study aims to find out or evaluate how the face-to-face practical learning process is during a pandemic. This research uses descriptive qualitative research method. Sources of research data were taken from observations, distributing questionnaires to students. It was concluded that from preparation, students understood and were aware, then they were able to fulfill the equipment that must be prepared to maintain the Health protocol in the learning process, and the implementation of learning was good with a note of the need for improvement to be more effective in the Health protocol and delivery of material.
Keywords: face-to-face learning during a pandemic