Kata Kunci: Lembar Kegiatan Peserta Didik (LKPD), berbasis Demonstrasi, model pengembangan 4D
This development research aims to develop teaching materials in the form of Demonstration-Based LKPD on the Subjects Administration Facilities and Even Semester Class XII in SMKN 1 Bangkalan. The purpose of developing this LKPD can facilitate students to facilitate the material and make students more communicative and innovative in the learning process. In addition, this development research also aims to study the feasibility and response of students to LKPD that have been developed by researchers. The development model used in this study is to use the 4D development model from Thiagarajan which has four development devices that contain the registrant device, the design of the device, the device development device, and the device development. At the development stage it was not conducted in this study because this research discussed developing products that could be used as learning resources in the learning process for students. Another reason researchers do not do the deployment stage is because this study has limited time and money in conducting the deployment phase. This research was conducted on 20 students of class XII APK 1 at SMKN 1 Bangkalan. The results of the validation process resulted in an expert calculation yielding a percentage value of 97.1%, a linguistic calculation producing a percentage value of 94%, a graphic expert calculation producing a percentage value of 86.6%. The overall total feasibility of LKPD is 92.5% with a very strong interpretation. Trials conducted on students showed an average score of LKPD development scores of 97.8% with a very strong interpretation. LKPD Based on Subjects of Facilities and Infrastructure Even Class XII APK in SMKN 1 Bangkalan allows it to be used as teaching material. Suggestions for further researchers is to develop LKPDs that are more creative when adjusting to existing needs and in accordance with the times
Keywords: Student Activity Sheet (LKPD), Demonstration-based, 4D development model