Kesejahteraan Subjektif pada Lanjut Usia Terlantar
Subjective Well Being Of Neglected Elderly
Penelantaran adalah salah satu masalah lanjut usia yang tinggal di panti jompo. Kualitas hidup lansia di panti jompo berbeda dengan lansia yang tinggal bersama keluarga. Penelitian ini mengkaji kesejahteraan subjektif lansia yang terlantar dengan menggunakan metode kualitatif studi kasus. Pengambilan data dilakukan melalui wawancara semi-terstruktur. Responden penelitian ini adalah tiga manula terlantar yang berusia lebih dari 60 tahun dan tinggal di Griya Werdha. Data dianalisis dengan analisis tematik, diuji keabsahannya dengan member checking dan ditriangulasi melalui significant others. Riset ini menemukan enam tema utama. Pertama, di panti jompo mereka mengalami berbagai masalah internal dan eksternal. Kedua, para responden memiliki relasi sosial negatif atau positif dengan keluarga, teman dan staf perawat. Ketiga, mereka memaknai hidup mereka dengan mengevaluasi masa lalu dan kondisi saat ini. Keempat, kepuasan hidup lanjut usia turut dipengaruhi oleh prestasi dan aktivitas diri. Kelima, emosi-emosi lansia di panti werdha bersifat negatif dan positif. Keenam, para responden menanggulangi masalah mereka dengan menerapkan strategi coping. Disimpulkan bahwa ketiga responden lansia memiliki kesejahteraan subjektif yang cukup baik dengan mempertimbangkan pengalaman masa lalu dan kehidupan saat tinggal di panti.
Neglect is one of the challenges that those elderly who live in the retirement home have to deal with. Quality of life in the elderly home differs from that in one’s own home. This qualitative case study examines the subjective well-being of those elderly who live in the old age home. Data was collected through semi-structured interviewes. Research subjects included three neglected elderlies, aged 60 or older, who lived at the Griya Werdha retirement home in Surabaya. Thematic analysis was used to interpret the data, whose validity was established through member checking and triangulated by interviewing significant others. The study discovered six themes. First, life in the retirement home subjected them to both internal and external challenges. Second, they interacted with family members, inmates, and the nurses in positive and negative manners. Third, they found meaning in life by examining their past and present circumstances. Fourth, life satisfaction in old age is shaped by achievements and self-activity. Fifth, the subjects experienced both positive and negative emotions. Sixth, they sought to overcome their problems by engaging in coping strategies. Concluded that the three elderly respondents had fairly good subjective well-being by considering their past experiences and life while living in an retirement home.