Manipulating Fabric Quilting Pada Kemeja : Ditinjau Dari Deskripsi Perspektif Men’s Wear Fashion Trend
Manipulating Fabric Quilting on Shirts: Viewed from a Men's Wear Fashion Trend Perspective Description
Fashion memiliki peran penting dalam membentuk ekspresi diri dan identitas diri seseorang. Dalam perkembangan busana pria masih kurang berkembang dibanding busana wanita, karena penambahan ornamen pada busana pria yang sering dianggap tidak maskulin dan terkesan lemah. Demikian juga dengan cara berpakaian seorang pria, yang rata-rata menggunakan kemeja dalam kehidupan sehari-hari seperti seragam kerja atau dinas. Tujuan penelian adalah untuk mengetahui hasil jadi kemeja pria dengan penambahan ornamen manipulating fabric teknik quilting pada busananya yang mengacu pada men’s wear fashion trend. Menggunakan kain katun jepang sebagai bahan utamanya. Metode penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan tiga tahap proses desain atau a three stages design process yang terdiri dari : problem definition and research, creative exploration, dan implementation. Pada tahap pertama mengidentifikasi masalah awal berupa menentukan tema ocean atau lautan, mengangkat sumber ide ikan serta gelombang air laut, membuat moodboard dengan mencari informasi trend men’s wear saat ini dan menentukan target market. Tahap kedua yaitu peneliti mengeksplorasi ide dengan mengembangkan motif quilting ikan dan membuat 6 desain kemeja pria beserta peletakan motif quilting tersebut. Satu desain terpilih yang akan diwujudkan menjadi kemeja pria. Tahap ketiga, mewujudkan kemeja dengan penerapan teknik quilting motif. Hasil jadi kemeja sesuai dengan penerapan teknik quilting sebagai hiasan.
Kata Kunci : Kemeja, Quilting, Men’s Wear Fashion Trend
Fashion has an important role in shaping one's self-expression and identity. In the development of men's fashion, it is still less developed than women's fashion because the addition of ornaments to men's clothing is often considered unmasculine and seems weak. Likewise with the way a man dresses, who on average uses a shirt in daily life such as a work or official uniform. The purpose of the study is to find out the finished result of men's shirts with the addition of manipulating fabric ornaments and quilting techniques to the fashion, which refers to men's wear fashion trends. It uses Japanese cotton fabric as the main material. This research method uses a three-stage design process approach consisting of problem definition and research, creative exploration, and implementation. In the first stage, identify the initial problem in the form of determining the theme of the ocean or ocean, raising the source of fish ideas and sea waves, making a mood board by looking for information on current men's wear trends, and determining the target market. The second stage is that the researcher explores the idea by developing a fish quilting motif and making six men's shirt designs along with the placement of the quilting motif. One selected design will be realized into a men's shirt. The third stage is to realize the shirt with the application of quilting motif techniques. The finished shirt is in accordance with the application of quilting techniques as decoration.
Keywords : Shirt, Quilting, Men’s Wear Fashion Trend