Aslam, Lera Kurniatul. 2021. Perbedaan Hasil Belajar Siswa Antara yang Menggunakan Model
Pembelajaran Problem Based Learning dan Direct Instruction pada Mata Pelajaran
Dasar-Dasar Konstruksi Bangunan dan Teknik Pengukuran Tanah Ditinjau dari
Motivasi Belajar Siswa di SMK Negeri 1 Sidoarjo Tesis, Program Studi
Pendidikan Teknologi dan Kejuruan, Pascasarjana Universitas Negeri Surabaya.
Pembimbing: (1) Prof. Dr. Suparji, M.Pd., dan (2) Dr. Tri Rijanto, M.Pd., M.T.
Keywords: Direct Instruction Learning Model, Problem Based
Learning Learning Model, Learning Outcomes, Learning Motivation, Basics of
Building Construction and Land Surveying Techniques.
application of appropriate learning models in the learning process can
stimulate student learning motivation so that student learning outcomes in the
basics of building construction and land surveying techniques increase. This
study aims to determine the differences in student learning outcomes between
those using problem based learning and direct instruction learning models on
the basics of building construction and land surveying techniques in terms of
learning motivation at SMK Negeri
1 Sidoarjo.
This type of research uses experimental
research in the form of factorial design. This study used research subjects,
namely class X DPIB 1 as the control class and class X DPIB 2 as the
experimental class. The experimental class was treated using the Problem Based
Learning model and the control class was treated using the previous model,
namely Direct Instruction. The
instruments used in this study include: (1) Syllabus; (2) Learning
Implementation Plan (RPP); (3) Learning motivation questionnaire; (4) Affective
Assessment Sheet. (5) Cognitive assessment sheet; (6) Psychomotor assessment
sheet; (7) Observation sheet. The
difference in the average scores of students in the initial ability between the
experimental class and the control class was analyzed using 2-way ANOVA using
SPSS 23 software provided that it had met the distribution normality test and
the homogeneity of variance test.
In line with the research objectives, the results
showed that: (1) Students who were taught using the problem based learning
learning model obtained significantly higher affective, cognitive and
psychomotor learning outcomes than students who were taught using the direct
instruction learning model; (2) Students with high learning motivation obtained
significantly higher affective,
cognitive and psychomotor learning outcomes than students with low learning
motivation; (3) There is a significant interaction between the learning model
and students' learning motivation on learning outcomes in the affective,
cognitive and psychomotor domains.