Berdasarkan data statistik Department of Juvenile Observation and Protection (DJOP), jumlah penduduk yang ditangkap dan dirujuk ke pusat JOP mencapai 14.182 pada tahun 2021. Berdasarkan data tersebut, 21 persen dari pelanggar hukum adalah seorang siswa sekolah dasar dan 55 persen pelanggar hukum adalah siswa sekolah menengah pertama. Melihat fenomena ketidakdisiplinan yang berujung pada peanggaran hukum oleh anak di bawah umur tersebut, pendidikan karakter disiplin semakin diakui. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji secara mendalam mengenai peran pembina sebagai pembimbing, motivator dan evaluator Student Council dalam membentuk karakter disiplin pada siswa di Banlanga School. Dalam rangka mencapai tujuan penelitian tersebut, peneliti menggunakan metode kualitatif dengan pendekatan studi kasus. Teknik pengumpulan data yang peneliti gunakan yaitu wawancara, observasi, dan dokumentasi dengan informan yakni pembina Student Council, direktur Banlanga School, dan ketua Student Council. Teknik analisis data yang peneliti gunakan adalah teknik analisis data milik Miles dan Huberman yang terdiri dari empat tahapan, yaitu kondensasi, pengumpulan data, penyajian data, dan penarikan kesimpulan. Hasil dari penelitian ini, yaitu (1) Pembina Student Council memenuhi perannya sebagai pembimbing dalam membentuk karakter disiplin siswa di Banlanga School dengan menjalankan kegiatan Student Council yang dapat melatih siswa untuk disiplin serta membimbing jalannya kegiatan Student Council tersebut. (2) Sebagai Motivator, pembina Student Council pertama tama akan memotivasi siswa untuk mengikuti Student Council. Pembina Student Council juga selalu memberi motivasi berupa arahan kepada siswa. Selain itu pembina Student Council juga selalu memberi motivasi dalam rapat anggota Student Council. Dalam memotivasi siswa untuk bersikap disiplin pembina akan memberi contoh bagaimana sikap disiplin berawal dari diri sendiri lalu menunjuk siswa yang sekiranya dapat dicontoh temannya dalam hal kedisiplinan. (3) Sebagai evaluator, pembina Student Council selalu melakukan evaluasi terhadap kegiatan-kegiatan Student Council. Pembina Student Council tidak hanya mengevaluasi anggota Student Council, peraturan yang ada di Banlanga School berlaku untuk semua warga sekolah, siapa saja yang melanggar peraturan tersebut akan diberi sanksi. Sanksi yang diberikan merupakan sanksi edukatif. Evaluasi diberikan bertahap dimulai dari penanaman karakter disiplin dahulu agar karakter tersebut dapat ditumbuhkan, lalu pembiasaan dan terakhir penguatan.
Based on statistical data from the Department of Juvenile Observation and Protection (DJOP), the number of people arrested and referred to the JOP center reached 14,182 in 2021. Based on this data, 21 percent of the law violators were elementary school students, and 55 percent were school students in junior high school. Seeing the phenomenon of indiscipline that leads to law violations by minors, disciplinary character education is increasingly being recognized. This study aims to examine in depth the role of coaches as mentors, motivators, and evaluators of the Student Council in shaping the character of discipline in students at Banlanga School. To achieve the research objectives, researchers used qualitative methods with a case study approach. The data collection techniques that the researchers used were interviews, observation, and documentation with informants, namely the Student Council coach, the Banlanga School director, and the Student Council chairman. The data analysis technique that the researchers used was Miles and Huberman's data analysis technique which consisted of four stages, namely condensation, data collection, data presentation, and conclusion. The results of this study are (1) Student Council coach fulfill their role as mentors in shaping the disciplinary character of students at Banlanga School by carrying out Student Council activities that can train students to be disciplined and guide the course of the Student Council activities. (2) As a Motivator, the Student Council coach will first motivate students to participate in the Student Council. The Student Council coaches also always motivate the form of directions to students. In addition, the Student Council coaches also always motivate Student Council members at the meetings. In motivating students to be disciplined, the coach will give an example of how discipline starts from oneself and then appoints students whom their friends can emulate in terms of discipline. (3) As an evaluator, the Student Council coach continuously evaluates Student Council activities. The Student Council coaches do not only evaluate Student Council members; the rules in Banlanga School apply to all school members, and anyone who violates these rules will be given sanctions. The sanctions given are educational. The evaluation is given in stages, starting from instilling the character of discipline first so that this character can be grown, then habituation, and finally strengthening.