Rahmawati, Putri Novia. 2023. Development of Android
Augmented Reality Smart Card (AARSC) to Improve Creative Thinking Skills and
Social Studies Learning Outcomes for Elementary School Students. Thesis, Basic Education Study Program, Graduate,
Surabaya State University. Advisor: Pembimbing: (I) Yatim
Riyanto and (II) Nasution
Keywords: Android
Augmented Reality Smart Card (AARSC), creative thinking skills, social studies
learning outcomes.
The purpose of this research was to describe the validity,
practicality, and effectiveness of the Android Augmented Reality Smart Card
(AARSC) Media to improve creative thinking skills and learning outcomes for
fourth-grade elementary school students. The method used is Research and
Development and the ADDIE model (Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation,
and Evaluation). Methods of data collection are done by validation,
observation, tests, and questionnaires. The results showed that the feasibility
of the AARSC media obtained a feasibility percentage of 86% (very feasible).
The practicality of AARSC media in terms of the implementation of learning
obtained 91.42% (very good) and in terms of students' responses obtained 87%
(very practical). The effectiveness of AARSC media was obtained from (1)
cognitive, namely, the paired t-test found that there was a significant
difference between the mean of students' understanding and the n-gain increased
0.63 with moderate criteria; (2) during the learning that was carried out in 2
(two) meetings the attitude of the students experienced an increase; (3)
creative thinking skills get very effective results, namely ≥81%. Based on the
results obtained, it can be concluded that the media developed is said to be
very feasible as a learning medium.