This study aims
to determine the Judo coaching Pattern of East Java by knowing the
Organizational Structure, Quality of Trainers, and Athletes recruitment. The
targets of this research are East Java Judo Puslada which includes: East Java
KONI, administrators, Trainers, and Athletes.The analysis used is qualitative.
This type of research is included in qualitative descriptive research. The
method used is SWOT (strength, weakness, opportunity, threat) research data
sources obtained from interviews with East Java koni, administrators, trainers,
and judo athletes in East Java data collection techniques using interviews,
observations, and documentation.
The results of
this study can be identified (1) strengths (strength) include: Recruitment from
the results of the East Java provincial deliberation organizational structure,
certified East Java Judo Trainer in the shade of PB PJSI and KONI. athletes get
and a series of tests given. (2) Weaknesses include: Weaknesses faced for the
organizational structure are lack of speech and development with many
organizations not running as it should, lack of understanding, evaluation, and
the number of trainers identified, Openness in recruiting athletes in PJSI East
Java and Outside East Java. (3) opportunities include: With the training and
upgrading of quality possessed by the East Java judo trainers, it will produce
quality trainers who are ready to make the athletes they build capable of
leading to more brilliant persuasion, with the selection of athletes carried
out by PJSI and KONI have the opportunity to get quality athletes and can be
the target of gold medal because in the selection process through very strict
stages and tests. (4) threats (threats) include: In the organization of the
coach is not active and does not work according to his job then it will hinder
the vision and mission that has been desired by the organization, the lack of
evaluation by the trainer can cause no development in the judo coaching process
East Java and the quality of trainers in East Java still lack the threat of
being left behind in the existing coaching process
Keywords: Pattern, Development, Judo East Java