Hiperrealitas Social Media dan Perilaku Konsumtif Mahasiswa Urban Kampus Pendidikan
Social Media Hyperreality and Consumptive Behavior Of Urban Educational Campus Students
Kata Kunci : Hiperrealitas, Perilaku Konsumtif, Tiktok
Technological advances support the emergence of new social media which is increasingly mushrooming. One of the results of the development of social media is the emergence of TikTok which has gained popularity, especially among student audiences. Tiktok has various kinds of content which sometimes includes promotional actions. Content that is packaged in such a way in various persuasive ways can lead to consumer consumer behavior. Moreover, TikTok is not just a social media, but also provides an online shopping platform directly through the TikTok application. The aim of this research is to identify the mechanism for the consumptive behavior of urban students using the TikTok application as well as the hyper-reality of promotions in TikTok content. This type of research is qualitative research that uses data collection techniques in the form of observation, interviews and documentation. The use of theory in this research carries Jean Baudrillard's theory of hyperreality. The research subjects were urban students who used the TikTok platform and had shopped online from product advertisements in TikTok content. The results of this research show that most urban students are attracted to advertisements in TikTok content because of the unique and creative packaging, although it often contains hyper-reality. The products that are most in demand are fashion or beauty products.
Keywords: Hyperreality, Consumptive Behavior, Tiktok