Pemain futsal harus memiliki teknik dasar yang mumpuni, seperti mengoper (passing), menerima (control), mengumpan lambung (chipping), menggiring (dribbling), menendang ke arah gawang (shooting), menyundul (heading), tangkapan (catch) (Irawan, 2009: 1). Mengumpan adalah bagian yang sangat penting dalam permainan futsal. Permainan futsal memerlukan strategi dan ketepatan mengumpan. (Setyawan, 2010: 53). Tim Futsal Putra Kabupaten Magetan pada tahun 2015 mengalami kegagalan di pertandingan babak penyisihan Grup Pra PORPROV Jawa Timur. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui seberapa besar kemampuan passing dan shooting pada pertandingan Pra Porprov VI Kabupaten Magetan pada cabor futsal. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah pemain cabor futsal pada Pra Porprov VI Kabupaten Magetan. Pengambilan sampel dalam penelitian ini melalui cara membuat video proses pertandingan tim futsal Putra Kabupaten Magetan saat bertanding pada babak penyisihan grup Pra Porprov Jawa Timur Tahun 2019. Kemudian hasil rekaman video di validasi kepada bapak/ibu dosen Fakultas Ilmu Olahraga.
Teknik pengumpulan data diperoleh melalui pengamatan hasil rekaman video pada pertandingan futsal selama 5x pertandingan. Adapun yang diteliti adalah jumlah berapa banyak seluruh pemain melakukan passing dan shooting di tim pada saat pertandingan Pra Porprov VI Kabupaten Magetan cabor futsal, data tersebut diambil pada waktu pengamatan rekaman video pertandingan peneliti melihat langsung jalannya pertandingan dan memasukkan data hasil pengamatan pada blangko.
Simpulan pada penelitian ini adalah Rata-rata keseluruhan passing dan shooting pada 5 pertandingan, dengan jumlah passing sebanyak 2415 kali dengan persentase keberhasilan 1862 kali ( 77,10 % ) dan shooting sebanyak 233 dengan persentase keberhasilan 133 kali ( 57,08 % ).
Kata Kunci : Futsal, Passing, dan Shooting.
Futsal players must have a basic technique that is qualified, such as(passing), receiving (control), feed the stomach (chipping), herding (dribbling), kicking towards the goal (shooting), heading (heading), catch (catch) (Irawan, 2009: 1). Feeding is a very important part of the futsal game. The futsal game requires strategy and precision to feed. (Setyawan, 2010: 53). TheMen's Futsal Team Magetan Regencyin 2015 experienced a failure in the match in Pre Group GroupEast Java PORPROV. This study aims to find out how much the ability of passing and shooting in the Pre Porprov VI match in Magetan Regency on futsal sports. The population in this study were players playing futsal in the Pre Porprov VI Magetan Regency. Sampling in this study was done by making a video of the competition process of the Putra Magetan Regency futsal team when competing in the preliminary round Pre-Proprov East Java groupin 2019. Then the video recordings were validated to the lecturers of the Sports Science Faculty.
Data collection techniques were obtained through observing video recordings in futsal matches for 5 matches. As for the research, the number of all players passing and shooting on the team during the competition in the Pre Porprov VI Magetan Regency in futsal, the data was taken at the time of the video recording of the match. The researchers saw the game and entered the data observation blank.
Conclusions in this study are the average overall passing and shooting in 5 matches, with the number of passes as many as 2415 times with a success percentage of 1862 times (77.10%) and shooting as many as 233 with a success percentage 133 times (57.08%).
Keywords: Futsal, Passing, and Shooting.