The purpose
of this research are 1) to describe and analyze the implementation of
information and communication technology (ICT) learning for package A students
at Homeschooling Pena Surabaya, 2) to describe and analyze the supporting
factors for the implementation of information and communication technology
(ICT) learning for package A students at Homeschooling Pena Surabaya, and 3) to
describe and analyze the factors inhibiting the implementation of information
and communication technology (ICT) learning for package A students at
Homeschooling Pena Surabaya.
research uses a descriptive qualitative approach and type. The informants in
this research were academic managers, computer tutors, and Package A students.
Data mining was carried out using in-depth interviews, participant observation,
and documentation. Data analysis is carried out using data reduction, data
presentation and data verification. This research uses validity, namely
credibility, dependability, confirmability and transferability.
results of this research show that the implementation of ICT learning applied
to package A students through learning planning procedures includes learning
modules, learning methods, learning materials, learning media, and learning
strategies. Then the implementation of learning includes initial, core and
closing activities. Then learning evaluation includes student assessment. So
that students have good digital literacy skills by having a) basic digital
literacy skills such as being able to understand symbols in Microsoft Excel, b)
students can search for background knowledge of information using keywords, c)
students' ICT skills can create output learning outcomes about Microsoft Excel,
d) attitudes and perspectives of information users by being able to communicate
via email and having a positive view of using the digital internet. Apart from
that, supporting factors in the implementation of ICT learning in improving
digital literacy skills in homeschooling are 1) the competence of tutors
appropriate to their field, 2) the high interest of students in ICT learning,
and 3) there is support from the home environment in the form of support from
parents facilitating technological tools. Apart from that, there are inhibiting
factors in the implementation of ICT learning in improving digital literacy
skills in homeschooling, namely 1) problems with fluctuating signal networks,
2) limited time for implementing ICT learning in computer skills classes, and
3) differences in the types of equipment technology for each student.
Implementation of ICT Learning, Digital Literacy Skills, Package A Students