The Development of Electric Audible Ball Media of Playing Football for Students with Visual Impairment
Penelitian ini dilatarbelakangi oleh fasilitas pembelajaran pendidikan jasmani berupa bola bagi siswa tunanetra masih sangat terbatas. Bola yang sudah ada baru akan berbunyi apabila bola dalam keadaan digerakkan dan apabila bola dalam keadaan diam maka bola tidak akan mengeluarkan bunyi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menguji kelayakan dari segi kevalidan produk media audible ball elektrik dalam bermain sepak bola pada siswa tunanetra.
Penelitian pengembangan ini menggunakan model ADDIE (Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation, dan Evaluation), namun hanya dibatasi pada 3 tahap saja yaitu ADD (Analysis, Design, Development). Data hasil kelayakan berdasarkan uji validitas dari beberapa ahli diperoleh hasil (1) Ahli Media 93%, (2) Ahli materi Pendidikan Luar Biasa 75%, (3) Ahli materi Olahraga 95%. Dapat disimpulkan bahwa pengembangan media audible ball elektrik dalam bermain sepak bola pada siswa tunanetra layak untuk digunakan.
This research is motivated by the importance of providing physical education learning facilities such as balls for students with visual impairment. Currently, the ball for students with visual impairment actually has used the sound embedded on the ball. However, the sound generated by the ball is still very limited, the new ball will sound or make a sound when the ball is moved. If the ball is at rest or stay still then the ball will not make a sound. This happens because the sound source on the ball is still conventional which is by inserting a bell into the ball. The bell that is inserted into the ball will only ring if the ball gets a stimulation of movement or vibration that continues to rub against the wall bells.
This study aimed at examining the feasibility in terms of the validity of electronic audible ball media products in playing football among students with visual impairment. This development research applied the ADDIE model. The validity test from several experts produced some results including (1) Media Expert 93%, (2) Special Education material expert 75%, (3) Sports material expert 95%. It can be concluded that the development of electric audible ball media to improve effectiveness in playing football amonghstudents with visual impairment is appropriate for use in learning activities.