Kemampuan daily living skills (DLS) pada anak autis masih kurang dalam aspek memasang dasi, mengancingkan baju, menresleting jaket dan celana, memasang tali maupun perekat sepatu, serta fungsi kemandirian umum lainnya, karena dalam pembelajaran metode dan media pembelajaran yang digunakan kurang menarik minat anak autis. Untuk melatih kemampuan daily living skills (DLS) dapat dengan mengalihkan perhatian anak dengan sesuatu hal yang menarik perhatian anak melalui hal-hal yang disukai oleh anak autisme sehingga dapat meningkatkan kemampuan daily living skills (DLS). Berkaitan dengan hal tersebut kemampuan daily living skills (DLS) anak autis di TK Mentrai Schoool Sidoarjo perlu dioptimalkan dengan menggunakan metode Applied Behavior Analys (ABA) bermedia quiet book. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menguji pengaruh metode Applied Behavior Analys (ABA) bermedia quiet book terhadap kemampuan daily living skills (DLS) anak autis di TK Mentari School Sidoarjo.
Pendekatan penelitian yang digunakan adalah pendekatan penelitian kuantitatif dengan jenis penelitian pre-eksperimental design dengan rancangan penelitian one group pre-test dan post-test. Teknik statistik yang digunakan dalam menganalisis data adalah dengan menggunakan wilcoxon matched pairs test. Teknik pengumpulan data berupa test dan observasi. Dalam penilitian ini, hasil penelitian menu njukkan bahwa T = 0 sama dengan nilai krisis Tα (tabel) 5% ( pengujian dua sisi ) yaitu 2 berarti T ≤ Tα, yang dapat diartikan bahwa ada pengaruh metode Applied Behavior Analys (ABA) bermedia quiet book terhadap kemampuan daily living skills (DLS) anak autis di TK Mentari School Sidoarjo.
Kata Kunci : Metode ABA, media Quiet Book, kemampuan daily living skills (DLS), autis.
The ability of daily living skills (DLS) in autistic children is still lacking in the aspect of installing a tie, buttoning a shirt, zippering a jacket and pants, attaching straps or adhesive shoes, and other general independence functions, because learning methods and learning media are less attractive to children autism. To practice the ability of daily living skills (DLS) can be by diverting the attention of children with something that attracts the attention of children through things that are liked by children with autism so that they can improve their daily living skills (DLS). In this regard, the ability of daily living skills (DLS) of autistic children in the Schoool Sidoarjo Kindergarten Kindergarten needs to be optimized using the Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) method of quiet book. This study aims to examine the effect of the Applied Behavior Analys (ABA) method in quiet book on the ability of daily living skills (DLS) of autistic children at TK Mentari School Sidoarjo.
The research approach used is a quantitative research approach with the type of pre-experimental design research with one group pre-test and post-test research design. The statistical technique used in analyzing data is by using the Wilcoxon matched pairs test. Data collection techniques in the form of tests and observations. In this research, the results of the menu research show that T = 0 is equal to the crisis value of Tα (table) 5% (two-sided testing) which is 2 means T ≤ Tα, which means that there is an influence of the Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) method quiet book on the ability of daily living skills (DLS) of autistic children at TK Mentari School Sidoarjo.
Keywords: ABA method, Quiet Book media, daily living skills (DLS), autism.