Keefektifan Pendidikan dan Pelatihan Model In-On-In dalam Pencapaian Kompetensi Calon Kepala Sekolah
The Effectiveness of In-On-In Model Education and Training in Achieving Competencies of Principal Candidates
Basuki, Toto. 2021, Keefektifan Pendidikan dan Pelatihan Model In-On-In dalam Pencapaian Kompetensi Calon Kepala Sekolah,Disertasi, Program Studi Teknologi Pendidikan, Pasca Sarjana Universitas Ngeri Surabaya. Pembimbing: (1) Prof. Dr. Yatim Riyanto, M.Pd., (2) Prof. Dr. Luthfiyah Nurlaela, M.Pd.
Kata-kata kunci: keefektifan, model In-On-In, kompetensi calon kepala sekolah
Hasil uji kompetensi kepala sekolah (UKKS) secara nasional menunjukkan fakta bahwa dimensi kompetensi kepala sekolah rata-rata: dimensi kepemimpinan pembelajaran 42,83, dimensi kewirausahaan 46,98, dimensi manajerial 47,11, dimensi supervisi 35,52, dan dimensi usaha pengemabangan sekolah 46,12. Dengan demikian rata-rata kompetensi kepala sekolah masih di bawah angka 50,00 dari interval 1-100, dengan nilai tertinggi pada kompetensi manajerial dan terendah pada kompetensi supervisi. Oleh karena itu menyikapi persoalan di atas dilakukan penyiapan calon kepala sekolah melalui pendidikan dan pelatihan calon kepala sekolah.
Model In-On-In merupakan pendidikan dan pelatihan yang dilakukan sebagai bentuk implementasi regulasi yang telah ditetapkan pemerintah diharapkan mampu mewujudkan pencapaian kompetensi kepala sekolah. Penelitian ini bertujuan menjelaskan dan menganalisis kompetensi calon kepala sekolah (kepribadian, manajerial, kewirausahaan, supervisi dan sosial) sebelum dan sesudah mengikuti pendidikan dan pelatihan model In-On-In dan untuk mengetahui perbedaan kompetensi calon kepala sekolah (kepribadian, manajerial, kewirausahaan, supervisi dan sosial) antara sebelum dan sesudah mengikuti pendidikan dan pelatihan model In-On-In
Dengan rancangan penelitian deskriptif komparatif ini, agar dapat membandingkan kompetensi kepala sekolah sebelum dan sesudah mengikuti pendidikan dan pelatihan model In-On-In. Sesuai dengan tujuan, penelitian termasuk jenis penelitian evaluatif, yang dimaksudkan untuk mengungkap keefektifan pendidikan dan pelatihan model in-on-in dalam pencapaian kompetensi calon kepala sekolah.
Data penelitian yang dikumpulkan melalui studi dokumen dan angket selanjutnya dianalisis dengan menggunakan teknik analisis statistik Multivariat t-test dengan memanfaatkan aplikasi program SPSS 24.00. Sebelum diuji menggunakan teknik analisis statistik Multivariat t-test dilakukan uji persyaratan analisis data dengan uji homogenitas serta uji normalitas.
Setelah dilakukan analisis data dapat disimpulkan bahwa (1) Ada perbedaan kompetensi calon kepala sekolah antara sebelum maupun sesudah ikut dalam pendidikan serta pelatihan model In-On-In, (2) Ada perbedaan kompetensi kepribadian calon kepala sekolah antara sebelum maupun sesudah ikut dalam pendidikan serta pelatihan model In-On-In. (3) Ada perbedaan kompetensi manajerial calon kepala sekolah antara sebelum maupun sesudah ikut dalam pendidikan serta pelatihan model In-On-In. (4) Ada perbedaan kompetensi kewirausahaan calon kepala sekolah antara sebelum maupun sesudah ikut dalam pendidikan serta pelatihan model In-On-In. (5) Ada perbedaan kompetensi supervisi calon kepala sekolah antara sebelum maupun sesudah ikut dalam pendidikan serta pelatihan model In-On-In. (6) Ada perbedaan kompetensi sosial calon kepala sekolah antara sebelum maupun sesudah ikut dalam pendidikan serta pelatihan model In-On-In.
Berdasarkan kesimpulan tersebut diajukan saran kepada lembaga penyelenggara pendidikan dan pelatihan calon kepala sekolah hendaknya menggunakan model In-On-In untuk meningkatkan kompetensi peserta diklat, dengan menekankan pada kompetensi kepribadian karena peningkatannya belum terlalu tinggi. Dari sisi peserta diklat hendaknya terus mengembangkan diri sebagai bekal dalam menjalankan tugas sebagai kepala sekolah. Untuk peneliti lain yang ingin mengadakan penelitian lebih lanjut tentang model pendidikan dan pelatihan dapat memanfaatkan hasil penelitian ini untuk penelitian lanjutan.
Basuki, Toto. 2021, The Effectiveness of In-On-In Model Education and Training in Achieving Competencies of Principal Candidates, Dissertation, Educational Technology Study Program, Post-Graduate, Surabaya State University. Advisors: (1) Prof. Dr. Yatim Riyanto, M.Pd., (2) Prof. Dr. Luthfiyah Nurlaela, M.Pd.
Key words: effectiveness, In-On-In model, competence of prospective school principals
The results of the national school principal competency test (UKKS) indicate the fact that the principal competency dimensions are: learning leadership dimensions 42.83, entrepreneurial dimensions 46.98, managerial dimensions 47.11, supervision dimensions 35.52, and business development dimensions schools 46.12. Thus the average competence of school principals is still below the 50.00 mark from the 1-100 interval, with the highest score on managerial competence and the lowest on supervisory competence. Therefore, addressing the above problems is to prepare prospective school principals through education and training of prospective school principals.
The In-On-In Model is education and training which is carried out as a form of implementation of regulations that have been set by the government and is expected to be able to achieve the competence of school principals. This study aims to explain and analyze the competencies of prospective school principals (personality, managerial, entrepreneurial, supervisory and social) before and after participating in the In-On-In model of education and training and to determine differences in the competencies of prospective school principals (personality, managerial, entrepreneurship, supervision. and social) between before and after participating in In-On-In model education and training
With this comparative descriptive research design, in order to compare the competence of school principals before and after attending the In-On-In model of education and training. In accordance with the objectives, research is an evaluative type of research, which is intended to reveal the effectiveness of in-on-in model education and training in achieving the competence of prospective school principals.
The research data were collected through document study and questionnaires and then analyzed using the multivariate t-test statistical analysis technique using the SPSS 24.00 application program. Before being tested using the statistical analysis technique Multivariate t-test, the data analysis requirements test was carried out with the homogeneity and normality test.
After analyzing the data, it can be concluded that (1) There are differences in the competence of prospective school principals between before and after participating in education and training in the In-On-In model, (2) There are differences in the personality competencies of prospective school principals between before and after participating in education and In-On-In model training. (3) There are differences in the managerial competence of prospective school principals between before and after participating in the In-On-In model education and training. (4) There are differences in the entrepreneurial competence of prospective school principals between before and after participating in the In-On-In model education and training. (5) There are differences in the competence of supervision of prospective school principals between before and after participating in the In-On-In model education and training. (6) There are differences in the social competence of prospective school principals between before and after participating in the In-On-In model education and training.
Based on these conclusions, suggestions are made to educational institutions and training for prospective school principals to use the In-On-In model to improve the competence of training participants, by emphasizing personality competence because the increase is not too high. In terms of training participants, they should continue to develop themselves as provisions in carrying out their duties as school principals. For other researchers who want to conduct further research on education and training models, they can use the results of this study for further research.