According to curriculum of 2013, teaching
and learning activities has demands in the character building, demands of the
industrial revolution 4.0, literacy as a contructivist learning with competence
in the aspect of knowledge, skills, and manner. Mastery of the high school
student’s scholarship is in a level of factual, conceptual, procedural, and
metacognitive knowledge. 21th century capabilities like the use of ICT and metacognitive abilities that could solve the problems independently
must be fulfilled. The use of online Sway media that provide various ease of
use could be an appropriate learning media for the curriculum demands.
The aim of this research is to find out
eligibility, respond, and effectiveness to improve metacognitive abilities from
learning with the Sway media. This
research is a quantitative with the type of experimental research and learning
material development on the Sway media
using ADDIE (Analysis, Design,
Development, Implementation, Evaluation ) development style. The test design
using pre experiment with one group
pretest-posttes design where the pretest is carried out before treatment and
post test after treatment so the result of treatment can be seen from comparing
with the condition before.
The discussion results indicate the
validity levelof Sway media based on
the validation results of validator prove that Sway media with a category of very valid and valid in the range of
3–4. Eligibility level of Sway media
measured from the material expert validation results, the peer teachers respond
and the students respond show that the material expert validation from learning
elements and material elements obtained the validation results is in a range of
>43.75% - 100% from not good until very good category. Peer teachers respond
is in a range of 88% - 100% in a very good category. Students respond in a good
and very good category is in a percentage range of 70.2% - 87.1%. The peer
teachers respond is in the number of 96.25 and from the students is in the
number of 82.98 in a very good category. The efectiveness level of Sway media measured from the
metacogitive ability of learning outcome and student’s metacognitive awareness
analysis results. Based on paired test results to the metacognitive ability of
students learning results indicate that sig 0.000 < 0.05 accepted show that
there is a difference between pretest and post test. In the Paired Sample Test table, metacognitive
ability contains the information of Mean Paired Differences of -39,935, this
value represents the average differences of pretest and post test learning
results and the difference is -37.157 (95% Confidence Interval of the
Difference Lower and Upper). Meanwhile from the analysis results of metacognitive
awareness represent Mean Paired
Differences in a number of -5.032, this value represents the average
differences of pretest and post test and the difference is -2.132 (95%
Confidence Interval of the Difference Lower and Upper). From both results of
the efectiveness analysis above, there are differences between the results of
the pretest and post test indicates that the using of Sway media could improve the twelfth grade of social science
student’s metacognitive abilities.
Keywords: Media Sway,
metacognitive abilities, eligibility, effectiveness