Kurangnya penggunaan media pembelajaran dalam proses pembelajaran pada saat masa pandemi saat ini mengakibatkan kurangnya pemahaman serta rasa kebosanan terhadap materi yang telah diajarkan guru. Hal ini mengakibatkan hasil belajar peserta didik terhadap pembelajaran IPA rendah. Dengan begitu peneliti melaksanakan pengembangan media pembelajaran E-Comic berbasis smartphone android pada materi gaya dan gerak berdasarkan pada lingkungan dan kehidupan sehari-hari peserta didik sehingga dapat menambah pemahaman dan menciptakan suasana belajar yang menyenangkan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengembangkan e-comic yang layak berdasarkan kevalidan, kepraktisan serta keefektifan media e-comic dalam meningkatkan hasil belajar materi gaya dan gerak siswa kelas IV sekolah dasar. Penelitian ini masuk kedalam jenis penelitian Research and Development (R&D) oleh Borg and Gall yang memiliki 10 tahap penelitian kemudian di sederhanakan menjadi 7 tahapan yaitu, mencari potensi dan masalah, pengumpulan data, desain produk, validasi desain, revisi produk, uji coba produk dan revisi produk akhir. Akibat adanya pandemi covid-19, uji coba produk dilaksanakan dengan jumlah siswa terbatas yaitu 8 siswa kelas IV sekolah dasar. Kevalidan media dapat diketahui melalui validasi media dan diperoleh persentase 86,7% dan validasi materi sebesar 85,5% yang berarti sangat valid untuk digunakan. Kepraktisan media dapat diketahui melalui hasil angket respon oleh siswa memperoleh persentase 100% dan hasil angket respon guru sebesar 100% pada uji coba produk yang berarti sangat praktis untuk digunakan. Kemudian pada keefektifan media diperoleh persentase ketuntasan belajar sebesar 100% dan N-Gain 0,71 dengan kategori peningkatan hasil belajar yang tinggi yang berarti sangat efektif untuk digunakan. Sehingga, media e-comic pada materi gaya dan gerak dapat dikatakan layak untuk digunakan.
Kata Kunci: pengembangan media, media e-comic, gaya dan gerak.
The lack of use of instructional media in the learning process at the time of the pandemic at this time result in a lack of understanding and a sense of boredom of the material that your teacher has taught. This resulted in learning outcomes of students towards science learning is low. With so researchers carry out the development of learning media e-comic based android smartphone on the material style and motion based on the environment and the daily lives of the learners so that they can add understanding and creating a fun learning atmosphere. This research aims to develop e-comic decent based on the validity, practicality and effectiveness of the media e-comic in improving the learning outcomes of matter force and motion the fourth grade students of elementary school. This study enters into the research type Research and Development (R&D) by Borg and Gall which has 10 stages of research then simplify into 7 stages, namely, find the potential and problems, data collection, product design, design validation, product revision, product testing, and revision of the final product. Due to the pandemic covid-19, product trials conducted with the number of students are limited to 8 students in grade IV elementary school. The validity of the media can be known through the media validation and obtained the percentage of 86,7% and the validation of the material of 85,5%, which means it is valid to use. The practicality of the media can be seen through the results of the questionnaire responses by the student to obtain a percentage of 100% and the results of the questionnaire responses of teachers at 100% on the trial product which means it is very practical to use. Then on the effectiveness of the media obtained the percentage of mastery learning of 100% and N-Gain of 0.71 with the category increase in the results of the study are that means it is very effective to use. So, the media e-comic on the material style and motion can be said to be feasible for use.
Keywords: media development, e-comic media, force and motion.